Kutak Rock

Kutak Rock LLP

1650 Farnam Street The Omaha Building,
Omaha, Nebraska 68102
United States
(402) 346-6000

All (38) Senior (38) Midlevel (-) Junior (-)
Name Title Email Phone Office
Alexander Justiss Partner alexander.justiss@kutakrock.com (501) 975-3153 Little Rock
Bryan Stanley Partner bryan.stanley@kutakrock.com (816) 502-4645 Kansas City
C. David Mcdaniel Partner david.mcdaniel@kutakrock.com (501) 975-3138 Little Rock
Caitlin Gustafson Partner caitlin.gustafson@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8950 Omaha
Calvin Jellema Partner calvin.jellema@kutakrock.com (404) 222-4694 Atlanta
Edward Gonzales Partner ed.gonzales@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8734 Omaha
Erica Goven Partner erica.goven@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8907 Omaha
Geoffrey Neal Partner geoffrey.neal@kutakrock.com (501) 975-3155 Little Rock
Gil Rosenthal Partner gil.rosenthal@kutakrock.com (303) 292-7851 Denver
H. Dale Dixon Partner dale.dixon@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8732 Omaha
Heather Mckee Partner heather.mckee@kutakrock.com (303) 292-7841 Denver
Isaiah Wilson Partner isaiah.wilson@kutakrock.com (480) 429-7122 Scottsdale
James Creigh Partner james.creigh@kutakrock.com (402) 661-8644 Omaha
Jason Caskey Partner jason.caskey@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8984 Omaha
Jeffrey Makovicka Partner jeff.makovicka@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8751 Omaha
Jennifer Forbes Partner jennifer.forbes@kutakrock.com (612) 334-5000 Minneapolis
Jennifer Sewell Partner jennifer.sewell@kutakrock.com (402) 661-8620 Omaha
Jeremy Johnson Partner jeremy.johnson@kutakrock.com (202) 828-2463 Washington
John Keller Partner john.keller@kutakrock.com (816) 502-4615 Kansas City
Joseph Kavan Partner joseph.kavan@kutakrock.com (402) 231-8808 Omaha
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