171 N. Clark Street, Suite 200,
Chicago, Illinois 60601
United States
(312) 856-0200
Name | Title | Phone | Office | |
Alan Herrmann | Managing Partner | alan.herrmann@us.gt.com | (949) 608-5227 | San Francisco |
Amy Roberts | Managing Partner | amy.roberts@us.gt.com | (612) 677-5250 | Minneapolis |
Bryan Benoit | Managing Partner | bryan.benoit@us.gt.com | (832) 476-3620 | Houston |
Candice Turner | Managing Partner | Candice.Turner@us.gt.com | (212) 542-9632 | New York |
Carlos Ferreira | Managing Partner | carlos.ferreira@us.gt.com | (212) 542-9825 | New York |
Carlos Otal | Managing Partner | carlos.otal@us.gt.com | (703) 373-8650 | Arlington |
Dennis Morrone | Managing Partner | dennis.morrone@us.gt.com | (732) 516-5582 | Iselin |
Michael Patanella | Managing Partner | michael.patanella@us.gt.com | (212) 624-5258 | New York |
Wade Kruse | Managing Partner | wade.kruse@us.gt.com | (404) 475-0181 | Atlanta |
Andrew Pope | Partner | andrew.pope@us.gt.com | (803) 231-3032 | Columbia |
Ash Dalnoot | Partner | ash.dalnoot@us.gt.com | (704) 632-6840 | New York |
Bob Achtstatter | Partner | Bob.Achtstatter@us.gt.com | (312) 602-8831 | Chicago |
Bryan Walker | Partner | bryan.walker@us.gt.com | (415) 318-2235 | San Francisco |
Cassy Nack | Partner | cassandra.nack@us.gt.com | (214) 561-2625 | Dallas |
Claudia Alonso | Partner | claudia.alonso@us.gt.com | (646) 825-8440 | New York |
Colin Singleton | Partner | colin.singleton@us.gt.com | (703) 562-5911 | Arlington |
Cory Perry | Partner | Cory.Perry@us.gt.com | (202) 521-1509 | Washington |
Doreen Griffith | Partner | Doreen.Griffith@us.gt.com | (214) 561-2394 | Dallas |
Ed Kleinguetl | Partner | ed.kleinguetl@us.gt.com | (832) 476-3760 | Houston |
Eric Burgess | Partner | Eric.Burgess@us.gt.com | (214) 561-2415 | Dallas |
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