TA Associates Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, TA Associates has acquired 16 companies. It has also invested in 13 others.

TA Associates’ most common sectors for investment aresoftware (24%) and financial services (14%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include growth capital (37%) and buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (20%). In total, TA Associates has invested in 37 US states and 29 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 2022 when it acquired Veracode for $2.5B.

In the last 3 years, TA Associates has exited 10 companies. The Firm’s most common exit type is trade sale (51%). TA Associates’ largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2015 when it sold First Eagle Investment Management for $4.0B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity619
    • M&A Buy Activity364
    • M&A Sell Activity255
  • Total Sectors Invested 36
  • Total Countries Invested 29
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 210
  • M&A Advisors 68

TA Associates

TA Associates Management, LP

200 Clarendon Street 56th Floor,
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
United States
(617) 574-6700

TA Associates is a private equity firm that targets investments in middle-market and large companies around the world. TA will consider control or minority investments in profitable companies and looks to commit between $70 and $500 million per transaction. TA proactively reaches out to companies directly in sourcing potential investment opportunities. Prospective businesses are generally valued between $100 million and $3 billion. Areas of interest include technology, software, communications, financial services, healthcare, business services, semiconductors/electronics, and consumer products/services. In addition to investing equity capital, TA also makes subordinated debt investments. TA's geographic preference is North America, Asia/Pacific, and Europe. TA Associates was formed in 1968 and is based in Boston, Massachusetts.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Apparel/Textiles, Business Services, Chemicals, Communications, Construction, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Distribution, Education, Electronics, Energy Services and Equipment, Engineering, Environmental, Financial Services, Healthcare Services, Information Technology, Insurance, Internet Software and Services, Life Science, Manufacturing, Marketing, Media, Medical Products, Metals/Mining, Packaging, Retail, Safety/Security, Semiconductors, Software, Technology Hardware, Test/Measurement Equipment, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Consolidation, Divestiture, Growth Capital, Recapitalization, Acquisition Financing, Stake Purchase, Add-on Acquisition, Joint Venture

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Nordic, Asia/Pacific, Australia/New Zealand, Central Asia/India

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size 70 500
Enterprise Value 100 3,000
values in millions of USD

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (10.4/yr) # 312 23 15 6 7 1 364
vol $7.4B $2.0B $2.5B $11.9B
Sell (5.2/yr) # 229 16 6 2 2 - 255
vol $40.7B $4.1B $975M $1.8B $47.6B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Brycer 2025-01-30 - Growth Capital
Warrenville, Illinois · www.thecomplianceengine.com
Decision Systems, Inc. 2024-10-09 - Secondary Buyout
Minneapolis, Minnesota · www.solifi.com
Alephya 2024-09-01 - Secondary Buyout
Dubai, United Arab Emirates · www.alephyaeducation.com
Priority Software Ltd. 2024-05-16 - Secondary Sale
Rosh Haayin, Israel · www.priority-software.com
SER Solutions International GmbH 2024-03-21 - Secondary Buyout
Bonn, Germany · www.sergroup.com
PowerGEM 2024-03-13 - Growth Capital
Clifton Park, New York · www.power-gem.com
AGA Financial Group, Inc. 2024-03-05 - Secondary Buyout
Westmount , Quebec · www.aga.ca
Agilio Software 2024-02-19 - Secondary Buyout
Sheffield, United Kingdom · www.codeuk.com
Procare Software LLC 2024-01-25 1.8B USD Trade Sale
Denver, Colorado · www.procaresoftware.com
Rocscience, Inc. 2024-01-08 - Growth Capital
Toronto, Ontario · www.rocscience.com
View All >>

Portfolio M&A

Company Acquired Add-On/Sale Date #
Aptean, Inc. 2012-08-07 JobRouter AG 2024-12-05 50
Alpharetta, Georgia · www.aptean.com Mannheim, Germany · www.jobrouter.de
Access Group 2015-01-19 Paytronix Systems, Inc. 2024-11-01 18
Loughborough, United Kingdom · www.theaccessgroup.com Newton, Massachusetts · www.paytronix.com
Access Group 2015-01-19 QikServe Ltd. 2024-09-25 17
Loughborough, United Kingdom · www.theaccessgroup.com Edinburgh, United Kingdom · www.qikserve.com
DigiCert, Inc. 2019-10-16 Vercara LLC 2024-08-14 3
Lehi, Utah · www.digicert.com Herndon, Virginia · www.vercara.com
Industrial & Financial Systems IFS AB 2015-11-30 EmpowerMX 2024-07-10 14
Linköping, Sweden · www.ifs.com Frisco, Texas · www.empowermx.com
Access Group 2015-01-19 Sceptre Hospitality Resources LLC 2024-06-06 16
Loughborough, United Kingdom · www.theaccessgroup.com Houston, Texas · www.shr.global
Orisha 2021-02-02 Optimizers BV 2024-05-15 4
Paris, France · www.orisha.com Nijkerk, Netherlands · www.optimizers.nl
Aptean, Inc. 2012-08-07 Momentis 2024-02-14 49
Alpharetta, Georgia · www.aptean.com Montreal, Quebec · www.momentis.com
Riskonnect, Inc. 2017-06-07 Ventiv Technology, Inc. 2024-01-11 8
Kennesaw, Georgia · www.riskonnect.com Atlanta, Georgia · www.ventivtech.com
ePassi Payments Oy 2023-08-09 Exercite 2023-12-12 2
Espoo, Finland · www.epassi.fi Bremen, Germany · www.exercite.de

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Software 38 (32%) 1.6B (22%) 86 (24%) 1.8B (15%)
Financial Services 17 (14%) 1.2B (16%) 51 (14%) 1.9B (16%)
Information Technology 14 (12%) 2.5B (34%) 37 (10%) 2.9B (24%)
Internet Software and Services 12 (10%) 2.1B (29%) 26 (7%) 2.1B (18%)
Healthcare Services 4 (3%) - 25 (7%) 320M (3%)
Communications 1 (1%) - 15 (4%) 1.1B (10%)
Business Services 3 (3%) - 13 (4%) 35M (< 1%)
Insurance 7 (6%) - 11 (3%) -
Life Science 3 (3%) - 11 (3%) -
Medical Products 2 (2%) - 10 (3%) 470M (4%)
Consumer Products 4 (3%) - 9 (2%) 350M (3%)
Education 3 (3%) - 8 (2%) -
Retail - - 6 (2%) 216M (2%)
Marketing - - 6 (2%) 68M (1%)
Technology Hardware - - 6 (2%) -
Apparel/Textiles - - 5 (1%) -
Manufacturing 2 (2%) - 5 (1%) -
Digital Media 1 (1%) - 4 (1%) 350M (3%)
Food 2 (2%) - 4 (1%) -
Information Services 2 (2%) - 4 (1%) -
Distribution - - 2 (1%) 103M (1%)
Beverages 2 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
Consumer Services 1 (1%) - 2 (1%) -
E-Commerce 1 (1%) - 2 (1%) -
Electronics - - 2 (1%) -
Media - - 2 (1%) -
Real Estate 1 (1%) - 2 (1%) -
Automotive - - 1 (< 1%) -
Chemicals - - 1 (< 1%) -
Construction - - 1 (< 1%) -
Electrical Equipment - - 1 (< 1%) -
Energy Services and Equipment - - 1 (< 1%) -
Machinery - - 1 (< 1%) -
Semiconductors - - 1 (< 1%) -
Test/Measurement Equipment - - 1 (< 1%) -
Transportation - - 1 (< 1%) -
Total 120 $7.4B 365 $11.7B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United States 69 (58%) 5.4B (73%) 264 (72%) 7.6B (64%)
  California 9 (8%) - 35 (10%) 103M (1%)
  Texas 7 (6%) 1.6B (22%) 28 (8%) 2.0B (17%)
  Massachusetts 4 (3%) 2.5B (34%) 25 (7%) 2.7B (23%)
  New York 6 (5%) - 22 (6%) -
  Florida 5 (4%) - 17 (5%) 350M (3%)
  Illinois 4 (3%) - 14 (4%) 145M (1%)
  Pennsylvania 2 (2%) - 12 (3%) -
  Washington 4 (3%) 1.2B (16%) 11 (3%) 1.2B (10%)
  Colorado 1 (1%) - 11 (3%) -
  New Jersey 4 (3%) - 9 (2%) 700M (6%)
  Georgia 3 (3%) - 8 (2%) -
  Connecticut 1 (1%) - 8 (2%) -
  Virginia - - 8 (2%) -
  Utah 4 (3%) - 6 (2%) -
  North Carolina 3 (3%) - 6 (2%) -
  Minnesota 4 (3%) - 5 (1%) -
  Maryland - - 5 (1%) -
  Tennessee 1 (1%) - 4 (1%) -
  Ohio - - 4 (1%) -
  Missouri 2 (2%) - 3 (1%) -
  Nebraska 1 (1%) - 3 (1%) -
  Oregon 1 (1%) 140M (2%) 2 (1%) 140M (1%)
  Kansas 1 (1%) - 2 (1%) -
  Michigan - - 2 (1%) -
  Maine 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
  Arizona 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
  Kentucky - - 1 (< 1%) 350M (3%)
  Wisconsin - - 1 (< 1%) -
  South Dakota - - 1 (< 1%) -
  South Carolina - - 1 (< 1%) -
  North Dakota - - 1 (< 1%) -
  Mississippi - - 1 (< 1%) -
  District of Columbia - - 1 (< 1%) -
  Arkansas - - 1 (< 1%) -
  Alaska - - 1 (< 1%) -
  Alabama - - 1 (< 1%) -
India 7 (6%) - 16 (4%) -
United Kingdom 5 (4%) - 16 (4%) 403M (3%)
France 6 (5%) - 11 (3%) -
Germany 4 (3%) - 9 (2%) 418M (4%)
Canada 4 (3%) - 9 (2%) -
  Quebec 2 (2%) - 4 (1%) -
  Ontario 1 (1%) - 4 (1%) -
  British Columbia 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Sweden 4 (3%) - 6 (2%) -
Italy 3 (3%) - 5 (1%) 1.1B (9%)
Australia 3 (3%) - 3 (1%) -
Spain 1 (1%) - 3 (1%) 172M (1%)
Israel - - 3 (1%) 150M (1%)
Netherlands 1 (1%) 2.0B (27%) 2 (1%) 2.0B (17%)
China 1 (1%) - 2 (1%) -
Bermuda 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Bulgaria 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Finland 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Hungary 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
New Zealand 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Nigeria 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Norway 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Singapore 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Switzerland 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Taiwan 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
United Arab Emirates 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Vietnam 1 (1%) - 1 (< 1%) -
Austria - - 1 (< 1%) -
Belgium - - 1 (< 1%) -
Czech Republic - - 1 (< 1%) -
Ireland - - 1 (< 1%) -
Domestic 69 (58%) 5.4B (73%) 264 (72%) 7.6B (64%)
Cross-border 51 (43%) 2.0B (27%) 101 (28%) 4.3B (36%)
Total 120 $7.4B 365 $11.9B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Growth Capital 38 (32%) - 134 (37%) -
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 8 (7%) - 72 (20%) 2.7B (23%)
Secondary Buyout 43 (36%) 6.1B (83%) 69 (19%) 7.2B (61%)
Stake Purchase 14 (12%) - 39 (11%) 350M (3%)
Recapitalization 2 (2%) - 17 (5%) 103M (1%)
Venture 2 (2%) - 10 (3%) -
Divestiture 6 (5%) 1.2B (16%) 9 (2%) 1.4B (11%)
Consolidation 4 (3%) - 6 (2%) -
Going Private 3 (3%) 140M (2%) 4 (1%) 140M (1%)
PIPE - - 4 (1%) -
Merger - - 1 (< 1%) -
Total 120 $7.4B 365 $11.9B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Trade Sale - Public Company 79 (31%) 27.5B (58%)
Trade Sale 57 (22%) 5.0B (11%)
Secondary Sale 47 (18%) 14.0B (30%)
IPO 43 (17%) -
Merger 15 (6%) 975M (2%)
Stake Sale 4 (2%) -
Unknown 3 (1%) -
Shut Down 2 (1%) -
Sold to Management 2 (1%) -
1 (< 1%) -
Bankruptcy 1 (< 1%) -
Recapitalization 1 (< 1%) -
Total 255 $47.6B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
KPMG Corporate Finance
Alvarez & Marsal
Legal Deals
Goodwin Procter
Kirkland & Ellis
Latham & Watkins

Deal Values

buy # Total
> $1B 5 $8.4B
$100M to $1B 15 $3.4B
< $100M 2 $103M
TOTAL $11.9B
Largest Veracode, Inc.
$2.5B (2022-03-15)
sell # Total
> $1B 12 $28.5B
$100M to $1B 48 $18.8B
< $100M 7 $309M
TOTAL $47.6B
Largest First Eagle Investment Management LLC
$4.0B (2015-07-20)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
82 (22%)
9 (2%)
Exited to
50 (20%)
137 (54%)


When was TA Associates founded?

TA Associates was founded in 1968.

What type of investor is TA Associates?

TA Associates is a private equity firm.

Where is TA Associates headquartered?

TA Associates is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

How much capital does TA Associates have under management?

TA Associates has 65.0B USD under management.

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