Hinshaw & Culbertson

Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP

151 North Franklin Street, Suite 2500,
Chicago, Illinois 60606
United States
(312) 704-3000

All (21) Senior (20) Midlevel (1) Junior (-)
Name Title Email Phone Office
Aimee Delaney Partner adelaney@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3258 Chicago
Amy Dumond Kottke Partner akottke@hinshawlaw.com (612) 334-2640 Minneapolis
Andrew May Partner amay@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3400 Chicago
Anthony Jacob Partner tjacob@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3105 Chicago
Anthony Zeoli Partner azeoli@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3076 Chicago
Connie Mayer Partner cmayer@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3578 Chicago
D. Renee Schroeder Partner rschroeder@hinshawlaw.com (815) 490-4921 Rockford
Eliot Abbott Partner eabbott@hinshawlaw.com (305) 358-7747 Coral Gables
James Keeling Partner jkeeling@hinshawlaw.com (815) 490-4904 Rockford
John Dubbs Partner jdubbs@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3075 Chicago
Justyna Regan Partner jregan@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3263 Chicago
Katherine Cheng Arnold Partner kchengarnold@hinshawlaw.com (310) 909-8043 Los Angeles
Kevin Coan Partner kcoan@hinshawlaw.com (612) 333-3434 Minneapolis
L.J. Rotman Partner lrotman@hinshawlaw.com (612) 334-2675 Minneapolis
Lewis Rotman Partner lrotman@hinshawlaw.com (612) 334-2675 Minneapolis
Mark Carter Partner mcarter@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3775 Chicago
Michael Dowell Partner mdowell@hinshawlaw.com (213) 614-7341 Los Angeles
Stephen Moore Partner smoore@hinshawlaw.com (815) 490-4903 Chicago
Timothy Sullivan Partner tsullivan@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3852 Chicago
Todd Young Partner tyoung@hinshawlaw.com (312) 704-3777 Chicago
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