and access,
Dr. Gerry Bean advises clients on M&A, joint ventures, restructurings and ESOPs/ LTIs. Gerry has more than 25 years' experience particularly in highly regulated industries, namely energy, health and the industrials sectors. He has had key roles in a number of large and complex M&A transactions and restructurings. This includes leading and managing due diligence and acquisition teams and applying for FIRB and other regulatory approvals. Gerry is also a company director and advises, and presents, on corporate governance and ESG issues. He has advised boards of both large and small corporations, government departments and agencies, and not-for-profit entities. Gerry was the lead author for report, Technical Review of the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, for the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet and ORIC. Gerry led the team advising on and establishing the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria. He is an active contributor to our pro bono program.