Trecora Resources - Ownership and Business Overview


Trecora Resources Ownership

Who owns Trecora Resources?

Trecora Resources is owned by Balmoral Funds. It was acquired on June 27, 2022.

Is Trecora Resources PE-backed?

Yes. Trecora Resources is owned by private equity investor Balmoral Funds.

Trecora Resources Business Overview

Where is Trecora Resources headquartered?

Trecora Resources is headquartered in Sugar Land, Texas.

What is Trecora Resources’ revenue?

Trecora Resources disclosed revenue of 273M USD for 2021 and 209M USD for 2020.

What sector is Trecora Resources in?

Trecora Resources is a chemicals company.

When was Trecora Resources founded?

Trecora Resources was founded in 1967.

Chemicals M&A Summary in 2022

Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, chemicals ranked 32 in number of deals in 2022. The largest chemicals acquisition in 2022 was Valvoline - Global Products Business - which was acquired by Saudi Aramco for $2.7B.

Join Mergr to view all 84 acquisitions of chemicals companies in 2022, including 15 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 69 by strategics.

Trecora Resources

Trecora Resources, Inc.

1650 Hwy 6 S, Suite 190,
Sugar Land, Texas 77478
United States,
(281) 980-5522

Trecora Resources is focused on the manufacturing of various specialty petrochemical products and synthetic waxes and the provision of custom processing services. The company's specialty petrochemical products segment is conducted through South Hampton Resources, Inc., a Texas corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of Texas Oil & Chemical Co. II, Inc. South Hampton owns and operates a specialty petrochemical facility near Silsbee, Texas which produces high purity hydrocarbons and other petroleum based products including isopentane, normal pentane, isohexane, and hexane which may be used in the production of polyethylene, packaging, polypropylene, expandable polystyrene, poly-iso/urethane foams, crude oil from the Canadian tar sands, and in the catalyst support industry. Its petrochemical products are typically transported to customers by rail car, tank truck and iso-container. South Hampton owns all of the capital stock of Gulf State Pipe Line Company, Inc., a Texas corporation, which owns and operates pipelines that connect the South Hampton facility to a natural gas line, to South Hampton’s truck and rail loading terminal and to a major petroleum products pipeline owned by an unaffiliated third party. Trecora Resources was formed in 1967 and is headquartered in Sugar Land, Texas

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