M&A Deal Summary

Victory Square Acquires FansUnite Media

On September 8, 2016, Victory Square acquired leisure company FansUnite Media for 2M USD

Acquisition Highlights
  • This is Victory Square’s 1st transaction in the Leisure sector.
  • This is Victory Square’s 3rd largest (disclosed) transaction.
  • This is Victory Square’s 1st transaction in Canada.
  • This is Victory Square’s 1st transaction in British Columbia.

M&A Deal Summary

Date 2016-09-08
Target FansUnite Media
Sector Leisure
Buyer(s) Victory Square
Deal Type Add-on Acquisition
Deal Value 2M USD


FansUnite Media

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
FansUnite is a social sports betting community started by three sports fans who wanted to take sports back to the people that fuel the industry, the FANS!. FansUnite caters to every type of fan, from the amateur who casually enjoys sports, to that friend who routinely washes their face paint off with their own tears after a big loss.

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Buyer(S) 1


Victory Square

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Category Company
Founded 2015
Sector Business Services
Revenue 12M USD (2023)

Victory Square is a blockchain-focused venture builder that funds and empowers entrepreneurs to implement innovative blockchain solutions. The company offers contests across multiple professional sports leagues and produces interactive fan engagement platforms for corporations, media, broadcasters and not-for-profits. Victory Square was founded in 2015 and is based in Vancouver, Canada.

Overall 1 of 4
Sector (Leisure) 1 of 1
Type (Add-on Acquisition) 1 of 4
State (British Columbia) 1 of 2
Country (Canada) 1 of 2
Year (2016) 1 of 1
Size (of disclosed) 3 of 4
2018-04-10 Limitless Blockchain Technology

Nevada, United States

Limitless Blockchain Technology LLC is a blockchain solution provider. Limitless Blockchain has the following three anchor products in late-stage development or already deployed in the marketplace: L-Hash, a data centre in Nevada, currently runs over one thousand miners of Bitcoin, Ethereum and LiteCoin. Limitless VPN is a user-based desktop miner for household use with over 11,000 users and a growing wait list of 6,000. The company plans to push this user base to 100,000 by the end of 2018 by expanding their data centre. Limitless Audio is an audio streaming application currently in late stage development.

Buy $5M