M&A Deal Summary

Track Utilities Acquires Kelly Cable Of New Mexico

On July 5, 2017, Track Utilities acquired business services company Kelly Cable Of New Mexico

Acquisition Highlights
  • This is Track Utilities’ 1st transaction in the Business Services sector.
  • This is Track Utilities’ 2nd transaction in the United States.
  • This is Track Utilities’ 1st transaction in New Mexico.

M&A Deal Summary

Date 2017-07-05
Target Kelly Cable Of New Mexico
Sector Business Services
Buyer(s) Track Utilities
Deal Type Add-on Acquisition


Kelly Cable Of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Kelly Cable Of New Mexico, Inc. provides a full suite of repair, maintenance, upgrade, and installation services for telecom and electric power infrastructure in New Mexico. Kelly Cable is headquartered in Albuquerque, NM, with regional offices in Las Cruces, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Las Vegas, NM, Roswell, NM, and Farmington, NM.

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Buyer(S) 1


Track Utilities

Meridian, Idaho, United States

Category Company
Founded 2002
Sector Infrastructure

Track Utilities LLC provides mission-critical electric and telecommunications infrastructure services in the Northwest and Intermountain West. Track has deep, long-standing relationships with the major electric utilities and telecom providers in its territory and is unique in its ability to offer customers a full suite of aerial telecom, underground telecom, overhead electric, underground electric, joint utility trenching, and directional drilling services.

Overall 2 of 2
Sector (Business Services) 1 of 1
Type (Add-on Acquisition) 2 of 2
State (New Mexico) 1 of 1
Country (United States) 2 of 2
Year (2017) 1 of 1
2016-04-26 Sitewise

Denver, Colorado, United States

Sitewise Corp. is a provider of compliance related operations and maintenance, re-construction and new construction services on natural gas infrastructure in Colorado.

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