M&A Deal Summary

Sibanye Stillwater Acquires Stillwater Mining

On December 9, 2016, Sibanye Stillwater acquired metals/mining company Stillwater Mining for 2.2B USD

Acquisition Highlights
  • This is Sibanye Stillwater’s 1st transaction in the Metals/Mining sector.
  • This is Sibanye Stillwater’s largest (disclosed) transaction.
  • This is Sibanye Stillwater’s 1st transaction in the United States.
  • This is Sibanye Stillwater’s 1st transaction in Colorado.

M&A Deal Summary

Date 2016-12-09
Target Stillwater Mining
Sector Metals/Mining
Buyer(s) Sibanye Stillwater
Deal Type Add-on Acquisition
Deal Value 2.2B USD
Advisor(s) BofA Securities (Financial)
Jones Day
Holland & Hart (Legal)


Stillwater Mining

Littleton, Colorado, United States
Stillwater Mining Company is the only U.S. miner of platinum group metals (PGMs) and the largest primary producer of PGMs outside of South Africa and the Russian Federation. PGMs are rare precious metals used in a wide variety of applications, including automobile catalysts, fuel cells, hydrogen purification, electronics, jewelry, dentistry, medicine and coinage. The Company is engaged in the development, extraction and processing of PGMs from a geological formation in south-central Montana recognized as the J-M Reef. The J-M Reef is the only known significant source of PGMs in the U.S. and the highest-grade PGM resource known in the world. The Company also recycles PGMs from spent catalytic converters and other industrial sources. The Company owns the Marathon PGM-copper deposit in Ontario, Canada, and the Altar porphyry copper-gold deposit located in the San Juan province of Argentina.

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Sibanye Stillwater

Weltevredenpark, South Africa

Category Company
Founded 2013
Sector Metals/Mining
Revenue 113.7B ZAR (2023)

Sibanye Stillwater is an independent mining group, Sibanye currently owns and operates high-quality gold and platinum operations. Sibanye Stillwater was founded in 2013 and is based in Weltevreden Park, South Africa.

Overall 1 of 1
Sector (Metals/Mining) 1 of 1
Type (Add-on Acquisition) 1 of 1
State (Colorado) 1 of 1
Country (United States) 1 of 1
Year (2016) 1 of 1
Size (of disclosed) 1 of 1