M&A Deal Summary

Candraft Detailing Acquires Candraft Detailing

On October 27, 2017, Candraft Detailing acquired construction company Candraft Detailing

Acquisition Highlights
  • This is Candraft Detailing’s 1st transaction in the Construction sector.
  • This is Candraft Detailing’s 1st transaction in Canada.
  • This is Candraft Detailing’s 1st transaction in British Columbia.

M&A Deal Summary

Date 2017-10-27
Target Candraft Detailing
Sector Construction
Buyer(s) Candraft Detailing
Deal Type Add-on Acquisition


Candraft Detailing

Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
Candraft Detailing, Inc. is one of the premier bridge infrastructure detailing and modeling companies in North America. Candraft has an extensive track record of successful projects across the United States and Canada, including replacement of New York City’s Kosciuszko Bridge, between Brooklyn and Queens; the Portageville (NY) railroad bridge across the Genesee River; the widening of the Huey P. Long Bridge in New Orleans; and construction of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the largest self-anchored single tower suspension bridge in the world.

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Candraft Detailing

Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada

Category Company
Founded 1978
Sector Construction

Candraft Detailing, Inc. is one of the premier bridge infrastructure detailing and modeling companies in North America. Candraft has an extensive track record of successful projects across the United States and Canada, including replacement of New York City’s Kosciuszko Bridge, between Brooklyn and Queens; the Portageville (NY) railroad bridge across the Genesee River; the widening of the Huey P. Long Bridge in New Orleans; and construction of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, the largest self-anchored single tower suspension bridge in the world.

Overall 1 of 1
Sector (Construction) 1 of 1
Type (Add-on Acquisition) 1 of 1
State (British Columbia) 1 of 1
Country (Canada) 1 of 1
Year (2017) 1 of 1