Founding Partner & CDO
Joined: 2010
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Business Developer senior professional with relevant M&A track record and project development experience in different sectors such as construction, utilities, infrastructure and renewable energy, at CME, Tecneira, Affinis, Vortal and FDO Group. He had responsibilities as an Executive Director and as a Board Member at Affinis, Tecneira and FDO SGPS. He has experience in corporate restructuring and turnaround operations such as Elite Portugal and the Group Gestisor. He also has experience as an entrepreneur. At the academic level, he was invited Lecturer of the Entrepreneurship course at the Executive MBA AESE, Lisbon. He holds a Degree in Economics from ISEG (Lisbon) and an MBA (Global Executive) from IESE Business School, University of Navarra (Barcelona / Madrid / Stanford - U.S. and Shanghai - China).
IESE Business School - University of Navarra
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ISEG Business School - Paris
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