Joined: 2009
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Dr John Wyett is an occupational physician with more than 40 years of experience in healthcare management and business investment. John is the Chairman and2009 former Managing Director of Corporate Health Group a leading provider of industrial and corporate healthcare services including pre-employment medical checks, rehabilitation and return to work services by both medical practitioners and allied health staff. John pioneered the concept of multi-disciplinary occupational health services in Australia in the 1970s and has maintained a strong industry leadership role since that time. John has held numerous managing director, medical director and medical advisor roles in the field of compensable medicine for over thirty years. John has extensive experience as an Executive Member of the Australian Medical Association (SA) and specifically as Branch Treasurer for ten years. Dr Wyett has been the Chair of the AMA (SA) WorkCover Liaison Group for more than 20 years. John is a medical advisor to BUPA and former medical advisor to the Motor Accident Commission in South Australia. John has successfully invested in and sold healthcare businesses over his 40 year career and has been able to achieve significant investment returns over many cycles in the healthcare market.
University of Adelaide
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