Managing Partner
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Dr. Thomas Duhnkrack (1954) was the Operating Partner at Advent International from 2010 until 2013, a Private Equity Investor with global presence. From 2003 till 2009, Thomas was a member of the DZ Bank AG Board of Managing Directors, and responsible for corporate and structured banking as well as the bank’s foreign branches. He was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of various subsidiaries of DZ BANK in the area of Asset Finance (real estate, ships, aircraft, leasing) and at DZ Equity Partner (now VR Equitypartner), a leading investment company in German Mittelstand companies. Previously, he worked for Deutsche Bank for 21 years, most recently as Divisional Board member for Corporates and Real Estate and was responsible for global sales finance. He was also a member of the Corporate and Investment Banking Board in London. From 1988-1995 he worked in Japan and was a member of the Asia-Pacific Executive Committee. He was a member of the supervisory bodies of various larger medium-sized companies (including Karmann, Fuchs Petrolub). Today, Thomas Duhnkrack is a member of the Supervisory Board of Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank AG and Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG. He is a Founding Partner of PREMIUM. He began his education in his home town of Hamburg with a banking apprenticeship, followed by a business administration degree and the subsequent doctorate.
Advent International