Permira Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, Permira has acquired 10 companies. It has also invested in 3 others.

Permira’s most common sectors for investment areinternet software and services (12%) and information technology (8%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (33%) and secondary buyout (27%). In total, Permira has invested in 18 US states and 28 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 2006 when it acquired FreeScale Semiconductor for $17.6B.

In the last 3 years, Permira has exited 7 companies. The Firm’s most common exit type is trade sale (33%). Permira’s largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2008 when it sold Intelsat SA for $13.6B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity251
    • M&A Buy Activity160
    • M&A Sell Activity91
  • Total Sectors Invested 41
  • Total Countries Invested 28
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 80
  • M&A Advisors 47


Permira Holdings Limited

80 Pall Mall,
London, SW1Y 5ES
United Kingdom
+44 20 7632 1000

Permira is a mega-sized private equity firm that targets large company investments around the world. Permira invests to support acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, take-privates, turnarounds, and growth buyouts. Areas of interest include healthcare, financial services, chemicals, consumer products and services, industrial products and services, technology, media, and telecom. Permira will consider opportunities in Europe, Asia, and North America. Permira was formed in 1985 and has offices in Menlo Park, Frankfurt, Luxembourg, London, Hong Kong, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Stockholm, Tokyo, Guernsey and New York City.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Aerospace, Agriculture, Apparel/Textiles, Automotive, Beverages, Building Materials, Business Services, Chemicals, Communications, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Distribution, Education, Electronics, Engineering, Financial Services, Food, Gaming, Healthcare Services, Information Technology, Insurance, Leisure, Life Science, Machinery, Manufacturing, Marine, Media, Medical Products, Publishing, Restaurants, Retail, Semiconductors, Software, Technology Hardware, Test/Measurement Equipment, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Divestiture, Going Private, Growth Capital, Special Situations/Distressed, Secondary Buyout, Stake Purchase

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Nordic, Asia/Pacific

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size - -
Enterprise Value - -

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (4.0/yr) # 140 7 6 3 4 - 160
vol $115.6B $14.0B $16.0B $1.1B $9.7B $156.3B
Sell (3.2/yr) # 75 9 3 - 3 1 91
vol $69.0B $5.0B $300M $74.2B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
mParticle, Inc. 2025-01-16 300M USD Merger
New York, New York ·
Exclusive Networks SAS 2024-07-24 2.5B EUR Going Private
Boulogne-Billancourt, France ·
PharmaCord LLC 2024-06-06 - Growth Capital
Jeffersonville, Indiana ·
Squarespace, Inc. 2024-05-13 7.2B USD Going Private
New York, New York ·
BioCatch Ltd. 2024-05-02 - Secondary Buyout
Tel Aviv, Israel ·
Universidad Europea 2024-04-08 - Secondary Sale
Madrid, Spain ·
Alter Domus Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2024-03-04 - Secondary Sale
Luxembourg, Luxembourg ·
Gruppo La Piadineria s.r.l. 2024-01-15 - Secondary Sale
Montirone, Italy ·
Ergomed Plc 2023-11-14 1.1B GBP Going Private
Guildford, United Kingdom ·
Gruppo Florence SpA 2023-05-25 - Secondary Buyout
Milano, Italy ·
View All >>

Portfolio M&A

Company Acquired Add-On/Sale Date #
Exclusive Networks SAS 2024-07-24 Cloudrise, Inc. 2024-11-21 1
Boulogne-Billancourt, France · Grand Junction, Colorado ·
The Knot Worldwide Inc. 2018-09-25 Veri, Inc. 2024-09-11 1
Chevy Chase, Maryland · New York, New York ·
Mimecast Ltd. 2022-05-17 Nullable, Inc. 2024-08-14 3
London, United Kingdom · Columbus, Ohio ·
Mimecast Ltd. 2022-05-17 Code42 Software, Inc. 2024-07-24 2
London, United Kingdom · Minneapolis, Minnesota ·
Squarespace, Inc. 2024-05-13 Tock LLC 2024-06-21 1
New York, New York · Chicago, Illinois ·
Zendesk, Inc. 2022-06-24 GmbH 2024-03-14 3
San Francisco, California · Helsinki, Finland ·
Cambrex Corp. 2019-08-07 Cambrex Drug Product- Business Unit 2023-11-02 1
East Rutherford, New Jersey · Whippany, New Jersey
neuraxpharm Arzneimittel GmbH 2020-09-22 Inke S.A. 2023-04-27 1
Langenfeld, Germany · Castellbisbal, Spain ·
Axiom Global, Inc. 2019-09-05 Plexus Engage 2022-11-07 2
San Francisco, California · Neenah, Wisconsin
Kroll, Inc. 2020-01-22 Crisp Thinking Group Ltd. 2022-05-31 7
New York, New York · Leeds, United Kingdom ·

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Internet Software and Services 13 (24%) 18.3B (33%) 19 (12%) 18.3B (11%)
Information Technology 8 (15%) 27.6B (49%) 12 (7%) 27.9B (17%)
Retail 1 (2%) - 10 (6%) 6.3B (4%)
Business Services 3 (5%) - 10 (6%) 1.6B (1%)
Software 4 (7%) 1.4B (2%) 9 (6%) 5.1B (3%)
Communications 1 (2%) 207M (< 1%) 7 (4%) 23.3B (15%)
Financial Services 2 (4%) 4.9B (9%) 6 (4%) 7.0B (4%)
Life Science 5 (9%) 3.5B (6%) 6 (4%) 3.5B (2%)
Apparel/Textiles 3 (5%) - 6 (4%) 1.1B (1%)
Chemicals 1 (2%) - 5 (3%) 5.2B (3%)
Food 2 (4%) - 5 (3%) 4.0B (3%)
Consumer Products - - 5 (3%) 3.1B (2%)
Medical Products 2 (4%) - 5 (3%) 1.0B (1%)
Media - - 4 (2%) 6.0B (4%)
Restaurants - - 4 (2%) 3.2B (2%)
Leisure - - 4 (2%) 1.5B (1%)
Education 2 (4%) - 4 (2%) 440M (< 1%)
Automotive - - 3 (2%) -
Manufacturing - - 3 (2%) -
Semiconductors - - 2 (1%) 17.6B (11%)
Gaming - - 2 (1%) 3.9B (2%)
E-Commerce 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 3.3B (2%)
Agriculture - - 2 (1%) 2.2B (1%)
Aerospace 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 1.7B (1%)
Information Services 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 1.6B (1%)
Transportation 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 699M (< 1%)
Machinery - - 2 (1%) 500M (< 1%)
Healthcare Services 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 154M (< 1%)
Distribution - - 2 (1%) 82M (< 1%)
Marketing 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
Test/Measurement Equipment - - 2 (1%) -
Insurance - - 1 (1%) 9.5B (6%)
Safety/Security - - 1 (1%) 767M (< 1%)
Beverages - - 1 (1%) -
Building Materials - - 1 (1%) -
Engineering - - 1 (1%) -
Marine - - 1 (1%) -
Publishing - - 1 (1%) -
Real Estate 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Staffing 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Technology Hardware - - 1 (1%) -
Total 55 $55.9B 161 $160.5B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United States 24 (44%) 45.6B (82%) 44 (27%) 69.7B (44%)
  California 12 (22%) 30.9B (55%) 15 (9%) 31.9B (20%)
  New York 3 (5%) 11.4B (20%) 8 (5%) 13.6B (9%)
  Massachusetts 2 (4%) - 2 (1%) -
  Maryland 1 (2%) 933M (2%) 2 (1%) 933M (1%)
  Indiana 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 767M (< 1%)
  Wisconsin 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 440M (< 1%)
  Pennsylvania - - 2 (1%) -
  New Jersey 1 (2%) 2.4B (4%) 1 (1%) 2.4B (2%)
  Illinois 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
  Florida 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
  Alabama 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
  Texas - - 1 (1%) 17.6B (11%)
  Utah - - 1 (1%) 1.6B (1%)
  Ohio - - 1 (1%) 500M (< 1%)
  New Hampshire - - 1 (1%) -
  Idaho - - 1 (1%) -
  Georgia - - 1 (1%) -
  District of Columbia - - 1 (1%) -
United Kingdom 8 (15%) 7.6B (14%) 34 (21%) 32.1B (20%)
Germany 5 (9%) - 21 (13%) 10.6B (7%)
Italy 3 (5%) - 14 (9%) 2.1B (1%)
France 3 (5%) 2.5B (4%) 7 (4%) 3.4B (2%)
Spain - - 5 (3%) 2.2B (1%)
China 2 (4%) - 4 (2%) 1.7B (1%)
Sweden 2 (4%) - 3 (2%) -
Netherlands 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 4.6B (3%)
Switzerland 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 1.7B (1%)
Norway 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 282M (< 1%)
Israel 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
Luxembourg - - 2 (1%) 4.5B (3%)
Japan - - 2 (1%) 3.2B (2%)
Austria - - 2 (1%) -
Belgium - - 2 (1%) -
Bermuda 1 (2%) 207M (< 1%) 1 (1%) 207M (< 1%)
Australia 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
South Korea 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Taiwan 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Denmark - - 1 (1%) 15.8B (10%)
Poland - - 1 (1%) 3.3B (2%)
Hungary - - 1 (1%) 1.8B (1%)
Canada - - 1 (1%) 1.2B (1%)
  Quebec - - 1 (1%) 1.2B (1%)
Ireland - - 1 (1%) 251M (< 1%)
Malta - - 1 (1%) -
Singapore - - 1 (1%) -
South Africa - - 1 (1%) -
Domestic 8 (15%) 7.6B (14%) 34 (21%) 32.1B (20%)
Cross-border 47 (85%) 48.3B (86%) 127 (79%) 126.5B (80%)
Total 55 $55.9B 161 $158.6B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 6 (11%) 207M (< 1%) 53 (33%) 25.3B (16%)
Secondary Buyout 20 (36%) 4.9B (9%) 43 (27%) 20.2B (13%)
Divestiture 4 (7%) 1.4B (2%) 18 (11%) 11.0B (7%)
Going Private 9 (16%) 49.4B (88%) 16 (10%) 73.0B (46%)
Stake Purchase 4 (7%) - 10 (6%) 1.5B (1%)
Growth Capital 5 (9%) - 9 (6%) 2.9B (2%)
Venture 6 (11%) - 7 (4%) -
PIPE - - 2 (1%) 15.8B (10%)
Consolidation - - 2 (1%) 9.5B (6%)
Recapitalization 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Total 55 $55.9B 161 $159.1B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Secondary Sale 28 (31%) 32.8B (45%)
Trade Sale - Public Company 21 (23%) 32.4B (45%)
IPO 21 (23%) -
Trade Sale 12 (13%) 6.4B (9%)
Merger 4 (4%) 300M (< 1%)
Stake Sale 2 (2%) -
Unknown 2 (2%) -
Sold to Management 1 (1%) 875M (1%)
Total 91 $72.7B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
J.P. Morgan Securities
Credit Suisse Investment Banking
Morgan Stanley
Legal Deals
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom
Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson
Clifford Chance

Deal Values

buy # Total
> $1B 36 $145.6B
$100M to $1B 25 $14.8B
< $100M 1 $82M
TOTAL $160.5B
Largest FreeScale Semiconductor Ltd.
$17.6B (2006-09-14)
sell # Total
> $1B 24 $66.6B
$100M to $1B 13 $7.7B
TOTAL $74.2B
Largest Intelsat SA
$13.6B (2008-02-04)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
47 (29%)
19 (12%)
Exited to
27 (30%)
32 (35%)


When was Permira founded?

Permira was founded in 1985.

What type of investor is Permira?

Permira is a private equity firm.

Where is Permira headquartered?

Permira is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

How much capital does Permira have under management?

Permira has 75.0B EUR under management.

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