Operating Partner
Joined: 2008
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Dr. Kherani joined Aisling in 2008 and serves as an Operating Partner. Prior to Aisling, Dr. Kherani was an Engagement Manager for two years at McKinsey & Company, where he was a member of the Pharmaceutical, Medical Product and Private Equity practices. Prior to McKinsey, Dr. Kherani was a Chief Resident in Surgery at Duke University Medical Center, where he completed his residency in general surgery. He also completed a two-year post-doctoral research fellowship investigating treatments for heart failure and arrhythmia at Columbia University, College of Physicians & Surgeons. While at Columbia, he served as an organ procurement fellow as part of the cardiothoracic transplantation team of New York Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Kherani currently serves as Chief Medical Officer of Ajax Health 2 and 3 as well as Zeus Health. His current board service includes Cortica, Ablacon, Protaryx, Serpex, Verix Health, Summus, and Duke University School of Medicine. His prior board service includes Ajax Health 1, Arcus Biosciences, Loxo Oncology (acquired by Eli Lilly), Spirox (acquired by Entellus), Syros Pharmaceuticals and TransEnterix. Dr. Kherani received his M.D. from Duke University School of Medicine, where he was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Fellowship recipient, and his B.S. in Biology and A.B. in Economics from Duke University, awarded magna cum laude and graduating Phi Beta Kappa.
Duke University , North Carolina,
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McKinsey & Co.