Linearizer - Ownership and Business Overview


Linearizer Ownership

Who owns Linearizer?

Linearizer is owned by MACOM Technology Solutions. It was acquired on March 6, 2023.

Linearizer Business Overview

Where is Linearizer headquartered?

Linearizer is headquartered in Hamilton, New Jersey.

What sector is Linearizer in?

Linearizer is a semiconductors company.

Semiconductors M&A Summary in 2023

Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, semiconductors ranked 36 in number of deals in 2023. The largest semiconductors acquisition in 2023 was Cloud Light Technology - which was acquired by Lumentum Holdings for $750M.

Join Mergr to view all 48 acquisitions of semiconductors companies in 2023, including 2 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 46 by strategics.


Linearizer Communications Group

3 Nami Lane, Suite 9,
Hamilton, New Jersey 08619
United States,
(609) 584-8424

Linearizer is an independently owned and operated firm specializing in the solution of problems involving non-linearity at microwave frequencies, and the production of related satellite hardware. The company has a 26,250 sq. ft. facility that supports both R&D and manufacturing and is conveniently located in the Princeton Region of New Jersey. This facility incorporates the entire manufacturing process from RF/microwave/millimeter-wave research and development through to the production phase. The facility includes a microwave, electrical and environmental/ vibration test area, a class 100,000 cleanroom that can operate to a class 10,000 level if required, with wire-bonding, ribbon welding, die-attach, and microelectronic assembly capabilities, compliant to MIL-PRF-38534. Its facilities have the capability to make vector measurements beyond 70 GHz. All assembly personnel is trained and certified to the NASA solder standard. A computer network with an array of PCs is available for both office and engineering needs. LCG engineers have developed a number of proprietary programs for the analysis and design of linearizers. These are used in conjunction with commercial software to meet their design needs. Linearizer is based in Hamilton, New Jersey.

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