Terra Firma Capital Partners Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, Terra Firma Capital Partners has acquired 2 companies. It has also invested in 1 other.

Terra Firma Capital Partners’ most common sectors for investment arereal estate (13%) and restaurants (11%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (83%) and secondary buyout (8%). In total, Terra Firma Capital Partners has invested in 2 US states and 9 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 2005 when it acquired Viterra for $6.5B.

In the last 3 years, Terra Firma Capital Partners has exited 2 companies. The Firm’s most common exit type is secondary buyout (27%). Terra Firma Capital Partners’ largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2006 when it sold Waste Recycling Group for $2.2B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity65
    • M&A Buy Activity39
    • M&A Sell Activity26
  • Total Sectors Invested 18
  • Total Countries Invested 9
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 11
  • M&A Advisors 6

Terra Firma Capital Partners

Terra Firma Capital Partners Ltd.

2 More London Riverside,
London, SE1 2AP
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7015 9500

Terra Firma Capital Partners is a private equity firm that primarily targets distressed 'asset rich' companies in need of management change or operational improvement. Terra Firma also invests in market leading businesses, or platform businesses capable of becoming market-leading businesses through add-on investments. Terra Firma generally looks to invest in businesses headquartered in Western Europe. Terra Firma was originally formed in 1994 and became an independent investment group in 2002. The Firm is based in London.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Agriculture, Airlines, Beverages, Business Services, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Energy Services and Equipment, Environmental, Financial Services, Food, Gaming, Healthcare Services, Infrastructure, Leisure, Media, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Restaurants, Retail, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Divestiture, Going Private

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Nordic, Australia/New Zealand

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size - -
Enterprise Value - -

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (0.8/yr) # 35 1 2 - 1 - 39
vol $34.2B $169M $34.4B
Sell (0.6/yr) # 23 1 - - 2 - 26
vol $8.0B $8.0B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
untypical Ltd. 2024-10-01 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Guernsey, Channel Islands · www.untypical.co.uk
Tilia Homes Ltd. 2024-10-01 - Merger
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom · www.tiliahomes.co.uk
Hopkins Homes Ltd. 2024-10-01 - Merger
Bury St Edmunds, United Kingdom · www.hopkinshomes.co.uk
Richborough Ltd. 2022-09-20 - Growth Capital
Birmingham, United Kingdom · www.richborough.co.uk
Hopkins Homes Ltd. 2022-01-20 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Bury St Edmunds, United Kingdom · www.hopkinshomes.co.uk
Tilia Homes Ltd. 2021-04-16 169M GBP Divestiture
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom · www.tiliahomes.co.uk
Parmaco Oy 2021-02-25 - Secondary Sale
Tampere, Finland · www.parmaco.fi
Consolidated Pastoral Company Pty Ltd. (CPC) 2020-11-02 - Unknown
Wilston, Australia · www.pastoral.com
Four Seasons Health Care Ltd. 2019-11-18 - Trade Sale
Wilmslow Cheshire, United Kingdom · www.fshcgroup.com
Wyevale Garden Centres (WGC) 2019-01-01 - Unknown
Brentford, United Kingdom · www.wyevalegardencentres.co.uk
View All >>

Portfolio M&A

Company Acquired Add-On/Sale Date #
untypical Ltd. 2024-10-01 Tilia Homes Ltd. 2024-10-01 2
Guernsey, Channel Islands · www.untypical.co.uk Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom · www.tiliahomes.co.uk
untypical Ltd. 2024-10-01 Hopkins Homes Ltd. 2024-10-01 1
Guernsey, Channel Islands · www.untypical.co.uk Bury St Edmunds, United Kingdom · www.hopkinshomes.co.uk

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Real Estate 3 (75%) 4.9B (100%) 5 (13%) 11.4B (33%)
Restaurants - - 4 (10%) 4.2B (12%)
Retail - - 4 (10%) 1.2B (4%)
Leisure 1 (25%) - 3 (8%) 5.5B (16%)
Renewable Energy - - 3 (8%) 1.2B (4%)
Business Services - - 3 (8%) 169M (< 1%)
Consumer Services - - 2 (5%) 3.0B (9%)
Infrastructure - - 2 (5%) 1.7B (5%)
Environmental - - 2 (5%) 402M (1%)
Construction - - 2 (5%) 169M (< 1%)
Energy Services and Equipment - - 2 (5%) 159M (< 1%)
Financial Services - - 1 (3%) 2.4B (7%)
Gaming - - 1 (3%) 1.6B (5%)
Healthcare Services - - 1 (3%) 1.3B (4%)
Agriculture - - 1 (3%) -
Consumer Products - - 1 (3%) -
Media - - 1 (3%) -
Transportation - - 1 (3%) -
Total 4 $4.9B 39 $34.4B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United Kingdom 2 (50%) 4.9B (100%) 26 (68%) 18.8B (63%)
Germany 1 (25%) - 4 (11%) 7.7B (26%)
United States - - 2 (5%) 2.8B (9%)
  District of Columbia - - 1 (3%) 2.4B (8%)
  Pennsylvania - - 1 (3%) 350M (1%)
Channel Islands 1 (25%) - 1 (3%) -
Italy - - 1 (3%) 722M (2%)
France - - 1 (3%) -
Australia - - 1 (3%) -
Finland - - 1 (3%) -
Ireland - - 1 (3%) -
Domestic 2 (50%) 4.9B (100%) 26 (68%) 18.8B (63%)
Cross-border 2 (50%) - 12 (32%) 11.2B (37%)
Total 4 $4.9B 38 $30.0B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 2 (50%) - 32 (82%) 25.3B (75%)
Secondary Buyout - - 3 (8%) 1.1B (3%)
Divestiture 1 (25%) 4.9B (100%) 2 (5%) 5.1B (15%)
Going Private - - 1 (3%) 2.4B (7%)
Growth Capital 1 (25%) - 1 (3%) -
Total 4 $4.9B 39 $34.0B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Secondary Sale 10 (38%) 3.6B (45%)
Trade Sale 6 (23%) 841M (11%)
Merger 4 (15%) 2.2B (27%)
Unknown 4 (15%) -
Trade Sale - Public Company 1 (4%) 1.4B (18%)
Sold to Management 1 (4%) -
Total 26 $8.0B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
Goldman Sachs
Barclays Investment Bank
Canaccord Genuity
Legal Deals
Addleshaw Goddard
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher

Deal Values

buy # Total
> $1B 11 $28.5B
$100M to $1B 14 $5.9B
TOTAL $34.4B
Largest Viterra
$6.5B (2005-01-01)
sell # Total
> $1B 4 $6.6B
$100M to $1B 3 $1.3B
< $100M 1 $71M
Largest Waste Recycling Group (WRG)
$2.2B (2006-09-01)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
2 (5%)
3 (8%)
Exited to
7 (27%)
8 (31%)


When was Terra Firma Capital Partners founded?

Terra Firma Capital Partners was founded in 1994.

What type of investor is Terra Firma Capital Partners?

Terra Firma Capital Partners is a private equity firm.

Where is Terra Firma Capital Partners headquartered?

Terra Firma Capital Partners is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

How much capital does Terra Firma Capital Partners have under management?

Terra Firma Capital Partners has 18.0B GBP under management.

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