Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking has acquired 6 companies. It has also invested in 3 others.

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking’s most common sectors for investment arebusiness services (9%) and software (9%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include secondary buyout (36%) and buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (18%). In total, Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking has invested in 30 US states and 21 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 2007 when it acquired Energy Future Holdings for $44.4B.

In the last 3 years, Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking has exited 8 companies. The Firm’s most common exit type is trade sale (34%). Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking’s largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2008 when it sold Alltel for $28.1B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity296
    • M&A Buy Activity184
    • M&A Sell Activity112
  • Total Sectors Invested 49
  • Total Countries Invested 21
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 154
  • M&A Advisors 44

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking

85 Broad Street,
New York, New York 10004
United States
(212) 902-1000

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division is the investment arm of Goldman Sachs. The primary corporate investment group within the Merchant Banking Division is Goldman Sachs' direct investment arm. GS's direct investment arm consists of GS Capital Partners, GS Mezzanine Partners, and GS Growth Partners. GS Capital Partners is the direct corporate equity investment group which seeks LBO, recapitalization, and growth investments to help fund acquisitions, expansions, recapitalizations, restructurings, buyouts, and take privates. GS Capital Partners looks to invest between $50 and $800 million in opportunities in North/South America, Europe, Asia. GS Mezzanine Partners is the junior capital arm of Goldman Sachs. GS Mezzanine looks to invest between $200 million and and $800 million in transactions valued up to $10 billion. Investment proceeds are used to fund leveraged buyouts, expansion financings, recapitalizations, acquisitions, and restructurings. GS Growth looks to invest in growth equity transactions. The unit seeks to commit $20 to $200 million per investment. Other units within GS's merchant banking division include Real Estate, Infrastructure, and Urban Investments. Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division is based in New York City.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Automotive, Building Materials, Business Services, Chemicals, Communications, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Digital Media, Distribution, E-Commerce, Electronics, Energy Services and Equipment, Financial Services, Food, Healthcare Services, Information Technology, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Media, Oil/Gas Exploration, Packaging, Plastics, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, Retail, Safety/Security, Software, Technology Hardware, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Consolidation, Divestiture, Going Private, Growth Capital, Recapitalization, Special Situations/Distressed, PIPE

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Nordic, Asia/Pacific, Australia/New Zealand, Central Asia/India, Latin/South America

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size 20 800
Enterprise Value - 10,000
values in millions of USD

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (3.0/yr) # 169 6 3 1 5 - 184
vol $178.2B $8.5B $2.1B $188.8B
Sell (4.6/yr) # 89 15 4 1 2 1 112
vol $83.1B $8.6B $3.9B $5.5B $101.1B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Infinidat Ltd. 2025-01-16 - Trade Sale
Waltham, Massachusetts ·
OMH HealthEdge Holdings, Inc. 2024-12-20 - Growth Capital
Boca Raton, Florida ·
Sila Services LLC 2024-11-11 - Secondary Buyout
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania ·
Standard Aero Holdings, Inc. 2024-09-23 - IPO
Scottsdale, Arizona ·
Interplay Learning 2024-09-19 - Growth Capital
Austin, Texas ·
ARC Document Solutions LLC 2024-08-30 - Merger
Walnut Creek, California ·
TAIT 2024-07-09 - Secondary Buyout
Lititz, Pennsylvania ·
Carlton One Engagement Corp. 2024-06-06 - Secondary Buyout
Markham, Ontario ·
Kahoot! AS 2023-07-14 2.1B NOK Going Private
Oslo, Norway ·
LeasePlan Corporation N.V. 2023-05-23 5.5B EUR Trade Sale
Amsterdam, Netherlands ·
View All >>

Portfolio M&A

Company Acquired Add-On/Sale Date #
The Imagine Group, LLC. 2021-01-26 Meyers - Temporary Display and Signage Business 2024-08-14 1
Minneapolis, Minnesota · Minneapolis, Minnesota
Aptos LLC 2020-01-13 Revionics, Inc. 2020-09-09 2
Atlanta, Georgia · Austin, Texas ·
Brown Jordan International, Inc. 2016-12-19 Pride Family Brands, Inc. 2019-06-05 2
St. Augustine, Florida · Hollywood, Florida ·
Boyd Corp. 2018-07-11 Henkel Corp. - Airflow Systems Business 2019-01-10 8
Modesto, California · Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Sterling Infosystems, Inc. (Sterling Talent Solutions) 2015-06-23 SureID - Commercial Segment Business 2017-10-19 5
New York, New York · Hillsboro, Oregon
Associated Asphalt, Inc. 2012-03-09 Axeon Marketing LLC 2017-02-09 2
Roanoke, Virginia · San Antonio, Texas
Flint Group Germany GmbH 2014-04-11 Flint Group - European Publication Gravure Ink Business 2016-08-05 1
Ahaus-Ottenstein, Germany · Ahaus-Ottenstein, Germany
Flint Group Germany GmbH 2014-04-11 Xeikon NV 2015-12-29 6
Ahaus-Ottenstein, Germany · Eede, Netherlands ·
MediaMath, Inc. 2011-07-22 Akamai Technologies, Inc. - Advertising Decision Solutions 2013-01-24 6
New York, New York · Cambridge, Massachusetts
HealthMarkets, Inc. 2005-09-15 Star HRG, Inc. 2006-07-11 1
North Richland Hills, Texas · Phoenix, Arizona ·

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Business Services 5 (8%) 859M (4%) 15 (8%) 13.3B (7%)
Software 5 (8%) - 15 (8%) 11.4B (6%)
Internet Software and Services 8 (13%) 2.1B (9%) 14 (8%) 3.7B (2%)
Information Technology 7 (11%) - 14 (8%) 800M (< 1%)
Communications - - 8 (4%) 27.5B (15%)
Financial Services 1 (2%) - 8 (4%) -
Healthcare Services 3 (5%) - 7 (4%) -
Life Science 4 (7%) 8.5B (38%) 6 (3%) 8.6B (5%)
Media 1 (2%) - 6 (3%) 4.1B (2%)
Insurance 2 (3%) 1.6B (7%) 6 (3%) 3.3B (2%)
Retail 1 (2%) 5.5B (24%) 5 (3%) 13.6B (7%)
Automotive 1 (2%) - 5 (3%) -
Technology Hardware 1 (2%) 828M (4%) 4 (2%) 2.8B (1%)
Food - - 4 (2%) 1.7B (1%)
Medical Products - - 3 (2%) 11.4B (6%)
Distribution - - 3 (2%) 5.6B (3%)
Education 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 4.7B (2%)
Environmental 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 3.5B (2%)
Restaurants 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 2.3B (1%)
Oil/Gas Exploration - - 3 (2%) 1.6B (1%)
Consumer Products - - 3 (2%) 1.5B (1%)
Metals/Mining - - 3 (2%) 525M (< 1%)
Transportation 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 40M (< 1%)
Real Estate 3 (5%) - 3 (2%) -
Machinery 1 (2%) 576M (3%) 2 (1%) 4.6B (2%)
Manufacturing 2 (3%) 2.5B (11%) 2 (1%) 2.5B (1%)
Building Materials 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 1.8B (1%)
Plastics 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 838M (< 1%)
Safety/Security - - 2 (1%) 640M (< 1%)
E-Commerce 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 500M (< 1%)
Information Services - - 2 (1%) 222M (< 1%)
Digital Media 2 (3%) 200M (1%) 2 (1%) 200M (< 1%)
Aerospace - - 2 (1%) -
Consumer Services 2 (3%) - 2 (1%) -
Leisure 2 (3%) - 2 (1%) -
Staffing 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
Utilities - - 1 (1%) 44.4B (24%)
Electrical Equipment - - 1 (1%) 5.7B (3%)
Chemicals - - 1 (1%) 4.2B (2%)
Test/Measurement Equipment - - 1 (1%) 1.1B (1%)
Construction - - 1 (1%) 66M (< 1%)
Agriculture 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Beverages - - 1 (1%) -
Electronics - - 1 (1%) -
Furniture 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Infrastructure - - 1 (1%) -
Marketing - - 1 (1%) -
Packaging - - 1 (1%) -
Renewable Energy - - 1 (1%) -
Total 61 $22.6B 184 $188.8B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United States 41 (67%) 15.6B (69%) 128 (70%) 146.2B (80%)
  New York 4 (7%) - 15 (8%) 2.5B (1%)
  California 6 (10%) - 14 (8%) -
  Texas 3 (5%) 1.6B (7%) 10 (5%) 46.0B (25%)
  Illinois 2 (3%) - 9 (5%) 4.2B (2%)
  Massachusetts 3 (5%) - 8 (4%) 1.5B (1%)
  Pennsylvania 2 (3%) - 8 (4%) 23.1B (13%)
  Michigan 2 (3%) - 7 (4%) 612M (< 1%)
  Virginia 4 (7%) - 6 (3%) 746M (< 1%)
  Florida 2 (3%) - 6 (3%) 3.3B (2%)
  Georgia 3 (5%) - 5 (3%) 640M (< 1%)
  Ohio - - 5 (3%) 110M (< 1%)
  Colorado - - 4 (2%) -
  Arizona - - 4 (2%) -
  Connecticut 2 (3%) - 3 (2%) 279M (< 1%)
  Minnesota 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 1.7B (1%)
  Washington 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) 500M (< 1%)
  North Carolina 2 (3%) 8.5B (38%) 2 (1%) 8.5B (5%)
  Arkansas 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) 27.5B (15%)
  Maryland 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
  Indiana - - 2 (1%) 12.2B (7%)
  Nebraska 1 (2%) 5.5B (24%) 1 (1%) 5.5B (3%)
  Nevada 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
  Tennessee - - 1 (1%) 7.3B (4%)
  New Jersey - - 1 (1%) 20M (< 1%)
  Vermont - - 1 (1%) -
  South Carolina - - 1 (1%) -
  Oklahoma - - 1 (1%) -
  Missouri - - 1 (1%) -
  Idaho - - 1 (1%) -
  Alabama - - 1 (1%) -
United Kingdom 5 (8%) 828M (4%) 10 (5%) 4.5B (2%)
Germany 2 (3%) 2.5B (11%) 8 (4%) 9.1B (5%)
France 2 (3%) 200M (1%) 6 (3%) 6.6B (4%)
Canada 2 (3%) 859M (4%) 5 (3%) 4.4B (2%)
  Ontario 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
  Manitoba 1 (2%) 859M (4%) 1 (1%) 859M (< 1%)
  Alberta - - 1 (1%) 3.5B (2%)
  Quebec - - 1 (1%) -
India 2 (3%) - 5 (3%) 40M (< 1%)
Netherlands 1 (2%) - 4 (2%) 4.2B (2%)
Denmark 1 (2%) - 3 (2%) -
Norway 1 (2%) 2.1B (9%) 2 (1%) 2.8B (2%)
China 1 (2%) - 2 (1%) -
Italy 1 (2%) 576M (3%) 1 (1%) 576M (< 1%)
Argentina 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Cyprus 1 (2%) - 1 (1%) -
Ireland - - 1 (1%) 2.0B (1%)
Belgium - - 1 (1%) 1.4B (1%)
Sweden - - 1 (1%) 1.4B (1%)
Bermuda - - 1 (1%) -
Czech Republic - - 1 (1%) -
Japan - - 1 (1%) -
South Korea - - 1 (1%) -
Singapore - - 1 (1%) -
Domestic 41 (67%) 15.6B (69%) 128 (70%) 146.2B (80%)
Cross-border 20 (33%) 7.0B (31%) 56 (30%) 36.8B (20%)
Total 61 $22.6B 184 $183.0B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Secondary Buyout 27 (44%) 11.6B (51%) 66 (36%) 25.6B (15%)
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 7 (11%) 200M (1%) 33 (18%) 12.6B (7%)
Growth Capital 13 (21%) - 28 (15%) -
Going Private 4 (7%) 5.4B (24%) 15 (8%) 114.9B (65%)
Divestiture 1 (2%) - 12 (7%) 17.3B (10%)
Stake Purchase 1 (2%) - 12 (7%) -
Venture 6 (10%) - 11 (6%) -
Recapitalization 1 (2%) - 5 (3%) 66M (< 1%)
Add-on Acquisition 1 (2%) 5.5B (24%) 1 (1%) 5.5B (3%)
PIPE - - 1 (1%) -
Total 61 $22.6B 184 $176.0B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Secondary Sale 32 (29%) 16.5B (16%)
IPO 26 (23%) -
Trade Sale - Public Company 24 (21%) 79.7B (79%)
Trade Sale 17 (15%) 5.0B (5%)
Bankruptcy 3 (3%) -
Sold to Management 3 (3%) -
Merger 2 (2%) -
Recapitalization 2 (2%) -
Unknown 2 (2%) -
Stake Sale 1 (1%) -
Total 112 $101.1B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
Goldman Sachs
J.P. Morgan Securities
Legal Deals
Weil Gotshal & Manges
Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson
Davis Polk & Wardwell

Deal Values

buy # Total
> $1B 29 $178.9B
$100M to $1B 19 $9.7B
< $100M 4 $143M
TOTAL $188.8B
Largest Energy Future Holdings Corp.
$44.4B (2007-10-10)
sell # Total
> $1B 22 $98.4B
$100M to $1B 6 $2.6B
< $100M 3 $136M
TOTAL $101.1B
Largest Alltel Corp.
$28.1B (2008-06-04)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
68 (37%)
13 (7%)
Exited to
33 (29%)
44 (39%)


When was Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking founded?

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking was founded in 1986.

What type of investor is Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking?

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking is a private equity firm.

Where is Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking headquartered?

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking is headquartered in New York, New York.

How much capital does Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking have under management?

Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking has 155.0B USD under management.

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