Cinven Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, Cinven has acquired 10 companies.

Cinven’s most common sectors for investment arebusiness services (7%) and publishing (6%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (42%) and secondary buyout (31%). In total, Cinven has invested in 10 US states and 19 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 2020 when it acquired Masmovil Ibercom SA for $6.0B.

In the last 3 years, Cinven has exited 8 companies. The Firm’s most common exit type is ipo (32%). Cinven’s largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2013 when it sold GE AVIO S.r.l. for $3.7B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity310
    • M&A Buy Activity182
    • M&A Sell Activity128
  • Total Sectors Invested 45
  • Total Countries Invested 19
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 80
  • M&A Advisors 37


Cinven Ltd.

21 St. James’s Square,
London, SW1Y 4JZ
United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7661 3333

Cinven is a private equity firm focused on buyout investments in growing, profitable businesses located throughout Europe and North America. Sectors of interest include business and financial services, healthcare, industrial, retail, leisure, consumer, technology, media, and telecommunications. Cinven looks to invest a minimum of €200 million in companies with minimum enterprise values of €400 million. Cinven does not invest in start-ups or development phase companies. Cinven was established in 1977 and is headquartered in London.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Aerospace, Apparel/Textiles, Automotive, Beverages, Building Materials, Business Services, Chemicals, Communications, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Defense, Distribution, Electrical Equipment, Engineering, Financial Services, Food, Furniture, Gaming, Healthcare Services, Insurance, Leisure, Life Science, Machinery, Manufacturing, Marketing, Media, Medical Products, Oil/Gas Exploration, Packaging, Plastics, Publishing, Restaurants, Retail, Safety/Security, Software, Technology Hardware, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Divestiture, Going Private, Growth Capital, Secondary Buyout, Stake Purchase, Venture

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada, United Kingdom, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Nordic, Middle East

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size 200 -
Enterprise Value 400 -
values in millions of EUR

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (3.4/yr) # 165 7 4 3 3 - 182
vol $76.1B $4.4B $2.6B $3.3B $86.4B
Sell (2.0/yr) # 118 2 4 1 2 1 128
vol $29.8B $563M $445M $30.8B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Kurt Geiger Ltd. 2025-02-13 445M GBP Trade Sale
London, United Kingdom ·
Nitel, Inc. 2024-12-11 - Trade Sale
Chicago, Illinois ·
Domia Group 2024-08-14 - Secondary Buyout
Paris, France ·
Jaggaer 2024-08-13 - Secondary Sale
Durham, North Carolina ·
idealista S.A.U. 2024-06-28 3.3B EUR Secondary Buyout
Madrid, Spain ·
Alter Domus Luxembourg S.à r.l. 2024-03-04 - Secondary Buyout
Luxembourg, Luxembourg ·
Plantas de Navarra S.A. 2023-09-14 - Trade Sale
Valtierra, Spain ·
Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH 2023-05-01 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Trostberg, Germany ·
Amara S.A. 2023-04-27 - Secondary Buyout
Madrid, Spain ·
Archer Technologies LLC 2023-04-13 - Divestiture
Overland Park, Kansas ·
View All >>

Portfolio M&A

Company Acquired Add-On/Sale Date #
LGC Ltd. 2019-11-21 Kova International, Inc. 2023-07-24 2
Teddington, United Kingdom · Garden Grove, California ·
Netceed 2022-06-03 Amadys NV 2023-03-09 3
Eaubonne, France · Antwerpen, Belgium ·
Netceed 2022-06-03 braun teleCom GmbH 2023-02-08 2
Eaubonne, France · Hannover, Germany ·
LGC Ltd. 2019-11-21 Drug Development Solutions 2022-05-17 1
Teddington, United Kingdom · Fordham, United Kingdom ·
Barentz International BV 2019-11-26 Pestell Nutrition, Inc. 2021-06-30 5
Hoofddorp, Netherlands · New Hamburg, Ontario ·
Agrifarma S.p.A. 2021-06-25 Maxi Zoo Italia S.p.A. 2021-06-25 2
Genoa, Italy · Milan, Italy ·
TK Elevator GmbH 2020-02-27 Sdiptech AB - Swedish Elevator Business 2021-02-19 6
Düsseldorf, Germany · Stockholm, Sweden
Clario 2016-03-08 BioClinica, Inc. 2020-12-10 6
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania · Princeton, New Jersey ·
Barentz International BV 2019-11-26 Maroon Group LLC 2020-10-14 4
Hoofddorp, Netherlands · Avon, Ohio ·
Stada Arzneimittel AG 2017-08-18 GlaxoSmithKline plc - 15 Consumer Healthcare Brands 2020-02-24 5
Bad Vilbel, Germany · , United Kingdom

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Business Services 3 (8%) - 12 (7%) 1.2B (1%)
Publishing - - 10 (5%) 10.8B (13%)
Healthcare Services - - 9 (5%) 8.1B (10%)
Retail 1 (3%) - 9 (5%) 4.4B (5%)
Life Science 2 (5%) - 8 (4%) 1.6B (2%)
Chemicals 1 (3%) 4.4B (24%) 7 (4%) 5.8B (7%)
Financial Services 3 (8%) - 7 (4%) 1.4B (2%)
Software 3 (8%) - 7 (4%) 1.3B (2%)
Leisure 1 (3%) 1.3B (7%) 7 (4%) 1.3B (2%)
Insurance 4 (11%) 338M (2%) 7 (4%) 338M (< 1%)
Food 1 (3%) - 6 (3%) 4.0B (5%)
Communications 2 (5%) 6.5B (36%) 5 (3%) 6.8B (8%)
Media - - 5 (3%) 2.4B (3%)
Manufacturing - - 5 (3%) 2.3B (3%)
Distribution 2 (5%) - 5 (3%) 2.1B (2%)
Machinery 2 (5%) - 5 (3%) 44M (< 1%)
Consumer Products - - 5 (3%) -
Medical Products 2 (5%) - 5 (3%) -
Information Technology 1 (3%) - 4 (2%) 4.9B (6%)
Internet Software and Services 1 (3%) 3.3B (18%) 4 (2%) 3.9B (5%)
Restaurants 1 (3%) - 4 (2%) 2.4B (3%)
Automotive - - 4 (2%) -
Electrical Equipment - - 4 (2%) -
Gaming - - 3 (2%) 3.5B (4%)
Consumer Services - - 3 (2%) 2.0B (2%)
Plastics - - 3 (2%) 1.5B (2%)
Building Materials 1 (3%) - 3 (2%) 345M (< 1%)
Energy Services and Equipment 1 (3%) - 3 (2%) -
Packaging - - 3 (2%) -
Aerospace - - 2 (1%) 3.6B (4%)
Agriculture - - 2 (1%) 659M (1%)
Transportation - - 2 (1%) 166M (< 1%)
Beverages - - 2 (1%) -
Education 2 (5%) - 2 (1%) -
Technology Hardware - - 2 (1%) -
E-Commerce - - 1 (1%) 3.3B (4%)
Environmental 1 (3%) 2.6B (14%) 1 (1%) 2.6B (3%)
Information Services - - 1 (1%) 1.5B (2%)
Apparel/Textiles - - 1 (1%) -
Defense - - 1 (1%) -
Engineering - - 1 (1%) -
Furniture - - 1 (1%) -
Oil/Gas Exploration - - 1 (1%) -
Safety/Security 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
Test/Measurement Equipment 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
Total 37 $18.4B 184 $84.0B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United Kingdom 6 (16%) - 87 (47%) 22.0B (26%)
United States 6 (16%) 2.6B (14%) 20 (11%) 9.0B (11%)
  North Carolina 3 (8%) 2.6B (14%) 5 (3%) 3.2B (4%)
  Pennsylvania 1 (3%) - 2 (1%) 4.8B (6%)
  Massachusetts - - 2 (1%) -
  Kansas 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
  Tennessee 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
  Ohio - - 1 (1%) 915M (1%)
  New Jersey - - 1 (1%) -
  Illinois - - 1 (1%) -
  Texas - - 1 (1%) -
France 3 (8%) - 16 (9%) 5.3B (6%)
Spain 7 (19%) 11.1B (60%) 14 (8%) 16.9B (20%)
Germany 5 (14%) 338M (2%) 13 (7%) 4.9B (6%)
Netherlands 1 (3%) - 9 (5%) 5.7B (7%)
Sweden 1 (3%) - 6 (3%) 3.4B (4%)
Italy 2 (5%) - 5 (3%) 2.9B (3%)
Switzerland 1 (3%) 4.4B (24%) 2 (1%) 4.7B (6%)
Poland 1 (3%) - 2 (1%) 3.3B (4%)
Luxembourg 1 (3%) - 2 (1%) -
Bermuda 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
Hungary 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
Turkey 1 (3%) - 1 (1%) -
Belgium - - 1 (1%) 2.3B (3%)
Channel Islands - - 1 (1%) 1.5B (2%)
Norway - - 1 (1%) 1.3B (2%)
Ireland - - 1 (1%) 750M (1%)
Australia - - 1 (1%) -
Domestic 6 (16%) - 87 (47%) 22.0B (26%)
Cross-border 31 (84%) 18.4B (100%) 97 (53%) 62.0B (74%)
Total 37 $18.4B 184 $84.0B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 5 (14%) 6.0B (32%) 77 (42%) 13.8B (17%)
Secondary Buyout 20 (54%) 3.3B (18%) 56 (30%) 25.9B (31%)
Divestiture 8 (22%) 9.2B (50%) 35 (19%) 32.9B (40%)
Growth Capital 2 (5%) - 6 (3%) 345M (< 1%)
Stake Purchase 1 (3%) - 5 (3%) -
Going Private 1 (3%) - 4 (2%) 9.7B (12%)
Venture - - 1 (1%) -
Total 37 $18.4B 184 $82.7B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
IPO 40 (31%) -
Secondary Sale 29 (23%) 11.3B (37%)
Trade Sale 25 (20%) 5.3B (17%)
Trade Sale - Public Company 23 (18%) 14.2B (46%)
Unknown 4 (3%) -
Merger 3 (2%) -
Stake Sale 2 (2%) -
Bankruptcy 1 (1%) -
Sold to Management 1 (1%) -
Total 128 $30.8B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
Goldman Sachs
Rothschild Global Advisory
J.P. Morgan Securities
Legal Deals
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
Clifford Chance
Kirkland & Ellis

Deal Values

buy # Total
> $1B 31 $71.2B
$100M to $1B 27 $15.0B
< $100M 4 $186M
TOTAL $86.4B
Largest Masmovil Ibercom SA
$6.0B (2020-11-17)
sell # Total
> $1B 10 $24.4B
$100M to $1B 13 $6.3B
< $100M 2 $105M
TOTAL $30.8B
Largest GE AVIO S.r.l.
$3.7B (2013-08-01)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
56 (30%)
26 (14%)
Exited to
29 (23%)
33 (26%)


When was Cinven founded?

Cinven was founded in 1977.

What type of investor is Cinven?

Cinven is a private equity firm.

Where is Cinven headquartered?

Cinven is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

How much capital does Cinven have under management?

Cinven has 39.0B EUR under management.

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