Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital has acquired 1 company. It has also invested in 1 other.

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital’s most common sectors for investment aretransportation (24%) and consumer products (18%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (30%) and recapitalization (24%). In total, Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital has invested in 11 US states. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 1997 when it acquired Petro Stopping Centers for $310M.

The Firm’s most common exit type is trade sale (50%). Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital’s largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2006 when it sold Easton Bell Sports for $400M.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity24
    • M&A Buy Activity16
    • M&A Sell Activity8
  • Total Sectors Invested 9
  • Total Countries Invested 1
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 12

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital

125 E 83rd Street Suite 2,
New York, New York 10028
United States
(212) 521-5500

Chartwell Investments is a private equity firm that invests in US-based, mid-sized companies with 'strong market positions, sound business models, and meaningful growth prospects'. Areas of interest include consumer products, light manufacturing, distribution, infrastructure, natural resources, energy, building products, and business services. Chartwell seeks to invest $10 to $200 million of equity in transactions that include buyouts, recapitalization, and growth equity financings. The Firm has a special interest in solving family succession issues, intricate tax and public securities problems, as well as creating strategic partnerships. Chartwell will also consider turnaround situations or companies requiring operational improvement. Chartwell Investments was formed in 1992 and is based in New York City.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Business Services, Consumer Products, Consumer Services, Distribution, Food, Healthcare Services, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Divestiture, Growth Capital, Recapitalization, Secondary Buyout, Stake Purchase

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue 10 100
Target EBITDA 3 20
Investment Size 10 200
Enterprise Value - -
values in millions of USD

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (0.4/yr) # 14 - 1 1 - - 16
vol $444M $444M
Sell (0.4/yr) # 6 2 - - - - 8
vol $460M $460M

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Guardian Fleet Services 2023-02-21 - Growth Capital
West Palm Beach, Florida ·
Blue Ocean Aesthetic Holdings LLC 2022-04-25 - Consolidation
New York, New York ·
Catalyst MedTech 2021-12-27 - Secondary Sale
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ·
RQM+ Corp. 2021-08-16 - Secondary Sale
Monroeville, Pennsylvania ·
RQM+ Corp. 2019-10-11 - Growth Capital
Monroeville, Pennsylvania ·
Catalyst MedTech 2018-12-01 - Growth Capital
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ·
PlayCore, Inc. 2014-05-30 - Secondary Sale
Chattanooga, Tennessee ·
Effox-Flextor-Mader 2013-06-06 - Recapitalization
LaGrange, Ohio ·
Keen Energy Services LLC 2012-10-17 - Trade Sale
Stillwater, Oklahoma ·
Datascan 2011-02-01 - Recapitalization
Carrollton, Texas ·
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Transportation 1 (17%) - 4 (24%) 310M (70%)
Consumer Products - - 3 (18%) -
Business Services 1 (17%) - 2 (12%) -
Manufacturing 2 (33%) - 2 (12%) -
Medical Products - - 2 (12%) -
Forest Products - - 1 (6%) 134M (30%)
Energy Services and Equipment - - 1 (6%) -
Healthcare Services 1 (17%) - 1 (6%) -
Media 1 (17%) - 1 (6%) -
Total 6 - 17 $444M

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United States 6 (100%) - 17 (100%) 444M (100%)
  Texas 2 (33%) - 3 (18%) 310M (70%)
  Ohio 1 (17%) - 2 (12%) -
  New York 1 (17%) - 2 (12%) -
  Tennessee - - 2 (12%) -
  Pennsylvania - - 2 (12%) -
  North Carolina 1 (17%) - 1 (6%) -
  Florida 1 (17%) - 1 (6%) -
  Idaho - - 1 (6%) 134M (30%)
  California - - 1 (6%) -
  Oklahoma - - 1 (6%) -
  District of Columbia - - 1 (6%) -
Total 6 - 17 $444M

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 1 (17%) - 5 (29%) 444M (100%)
Recapitalization 3 (50%) - 4 (24%) -
Growth Capital 1 (17%) - 3 (18%) -
Going Private - - 2 (12%) -
Secondary Buyout - - 2 (12%) -
Consolidation 1 (17%) - 1 (6%) -
Total 6 - 17 $444M

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Secondary Sale 4 (50%) -
Trade Sale 2 (25%) 400M (87%)
Trade Sale - Public Company 2 (25%) 60M (13%)
Total 8 $460M

Deal Values

buy # Total
$100M to $1B 2 $444M
Largest Petro Stopping Centers LP
$310M (1997-07-01)
sell # Total
$100M to $1B 1 $400M
< $100M 1 $60M
Largest Easton Bell Sports, Inc.
$400M (2006-02-07)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
2 (12%)
Exited to
4 (50%)
4 (50%)


When was Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital founded?

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital was founded in 1992.

What type of investor is Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital?

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital is a private equity firm.

Where is Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital headquartered?

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital is headquartered in New York, New York.

How much capital does Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital have under management?

Chartwell Investments Entrepreneur & Founder Capital has 700M USD under management.

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