B&Capital Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

In the last 3 years, B&Capital has acquired 2 companies.

B&Capital’s most common sectors for investment areconsumer products (25%) and distribution (13%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (75%) and stake purchase (13%).

In the last 3 years, B&Capital has exited 1 company. The Firm’s most common exit type is secondary buyout (100%).

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity9
    • M&A Buy Activity8
    • M&A Sell Activity1
  • Total Sectors Invested 7
  • Total Countries Invested 1
  • M&A Advisors 10



14-16 rue des Capucines,
Paris, 75002
+33(0)1 83 81 97 62

B & Capital is a private investment group that looks to support and grow French companies valued between €20 and €150 million. The Firm principally targets control minority stakes and will consider a variety of investment situations including standard buyouts, corporate carve-outs, and management buy-ins. Sectors of interest include business services, distribution, technology, and healthcare. B & Capital was formed in 2016 and is headquartered in Paris.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Business Services, Consumer Products, Distribution, Electrical Equipment, Electronics, Environmental, Healthcare Services, Information Technology, Internet Software and Services, Safety/Security, Software, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Divestiture, Secondary Buyout, Stake Purchase

Geographic Preferences: Western Europe

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue - -
Target EBITDA - -
Investment Size 8 30
Enterprise Value 20 150
values in millions of EUR

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (0.6/yr) # 5 1 1 1 - - 8
Sell (0.2/yr) # - - - - 1 - 1

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Steliau Technology SARL 2024-02-26 - Secondary Sale
Montrouge, France · www.steliau-technology.com
Ika Conseil 2023-03-10 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Boulogne-Billancourt, France · www.ikaconseil.com
Be-Cloud 2022-01-19 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Paris, France · www.be-cloud.fr
Seaport ODLM 2021-12-14 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Rhone-Alpes , France · www.seaport-odlm.com
Nextpool Services 2020-12-16 - Secondary Buyout
Ecully, France · www.nextpool.com
Miidex Lighting 2020-10-14 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Plaisance Du Touch, France · www.miidex.com
Phase Neutre SAS 2020-09-30 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
La Ricamarie, France · www.123elec.com
Steliau Technology SARL 2019-09-26 - Stake Purchase
Montrouge, France · www.steliau-technology.com
Nedap France 2019-09-09 - Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI)
Eragny-sur-Oise, France · www.nedapfrance.fr
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Consumer Products 2 (29%) - 2 (25%) -
Distribution 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Electrical Equipment 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Electronics - - 1 (13%) -
Internet Software and Services 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Safety/Security 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Software 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Total 7 - 8 -

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
France 7 (100%) - 8 (100%) -
Total 7 - 8 -

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) 6 (86%) - 6 (75%) -
Secondary Buyout 1 (14%) - 1 (13%) -
Stake Purchase - - 1 (13%) -
Total 7 - 8 -

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Secondary Sale 1 (100%) -
Total 1 -

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
Societe Generale Corporate & Investment Banking
Alvarez & Marsal
HSBC Global Banking and Markets
Legal Deals
Paul Hastings
Degroux Brugère
Goodwin Procter

M&A Connections

Acquired from
1 (13%)
Exited to
1 (100%)


When was B&Capital founded?

B&Capital was founded in 2016.

What type of investor is B&Capital?

B&Capital is a private equity firm.

Where is B&Capital headquartered?

B&Capital is headquartered in Paris, France.

How much capital does B&Capital have under management?

B&Capital has 217M EUR under management.

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