M&A Deal Summary

Findhelp Acquires Kiip

On July 17, 2024, Findhelp acquired internet software and services company Kiip

Acquisition Highlights
  • This is Findhelp’s 1st transaction in the Internet Software and Services sector.
  • This is Findhelp’s 1st transaction in the United States.
  • This is Findhelp’s 1st transaction in New York.

M&A Deal Summary

Date 2024-07-17
Target Kiip
Sector Internet Software and Services
Buyer(s) Findhelp
Deal Type Add-on Acquisition



Brooklyn, New York, United States
Kiip platform was designed to enhance user engagement by providing tangible rewards in various applications, including games and fitness apps. Kiip was founded in 2021 and is based in Brooklyn, New York.

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Buyer(S) 1



Austin, Texas, United States

Category Company
Founded 2010
Sector Software

Findhelp is a designer and developer of the search and referral stage intended to make human assistance program data progressively. Findhelp delivers enterprise solutions for identifying social needs, targeting interventions, closing the loop on social care referrals, and delivering rich reporting. Findhelp was founded in 2010 and is based in Austin, Texas.

Overall 1 of 1
Sector (Internet Software and Services) 1 of 1
Type (Add-on Acquisition) 1 of 1
State (New York) 1 of 1
Country (United States) 1 of 1
Year (2024) 1 of 1