Fenway Partners Mergers and Acquisitions Summary

Private Equity Firm Profile

Fenway Partners’ most common sectors for investment aretransportation (35%) and consumer products (30%) . The Firm’s most common investment types include secondary buyout (45%) and buyout (lbo, mbo, mbi) (40%). In total, Fenway Partners has invested in 10 US states and 2 different countries. Its largest (disclosed) acquisition occurred in 1998 when it acquired Simmons Bedding for $500M.

The Firm’s most common exit type is secondary buyout (34%). Fenway Partners’ largest (disclosed) exit occurred in 2003 when it sold Simmons Bedding for $1.1B.

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M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity35
    • M&A Buy Activity20
    • M&A Sell Activity15
  • Total Sectors Invested 8
  • Total Countries Invested 2
  • M&A Buy/Sell Connections 8
  • M&A Advisors 4

Fenway Partners

Fenway Partners, Inc.

108 Airport Rd., Suite 103,
Westerly, Rhode Island 02891
United States
(212) 698-9400

Fenway Partners is a private equity firm focused on investments in the consumer products and transportation/logistics/distribution sectors. Fenway looks for profitable companies with positive cash-flow and 'strong franchises. Prospective companies are generally valued between $100 and $600 million with $15 to $75 million of EBITDA. The Firm's investment horizon is four to six years. Fenway Partners was formed in 1994 and maintains offices in New York City and Los Angeles.

Investment Criteria

Sectors of Interest: Apparel/Textiles, Automotive, Building Materials, Business Services, Construction, Consumer Products, Distribution, E-Commerce, Food, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation

Target Transaction Types: Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI), Consolidation, Divestiture, Stake Purchase

Geographic Preferences: East US, Midwest US, South US, West US, Canada

Transaction Criteria Min Max
Target Revenue 50 500
Target EBITDA 15 75
Investment Size 50 75
Enterprise Value 100 600
values in millions of USD

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 '25 T
Buy (0.0/yr) # 20 - - - - - 20
vol $1.6B $1.6B
Sell (0.0/yr) # 15 - - - - - 15
vol $3.4B $3.4B

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Iconic Group, Inc. 2019-05-07 - Merger
Atlanta, Georgia · www.iconicgroup.com
Preferred Freezer Services LLC 2019-02-25 - Trade Sale
Chatham, New Jersey · www.preferredfreezer.com
Iconic Group, Inc. 2018-05-25 - Secondary Buyout
Atlanta, Georgia · www.iconicgroup.com
SunTek Holding Co, Inc. 2014-03-13 - Trade Sale
Martinsville, Virginia · www.suntekfilms.com
Consolidated Fastfrate, Inc. 2013-03-18 - Secondary Sale
Woodbridge, Ontario · www.fastfrate.com
Coach America Group, Inc. 2012-10-22 - Bankruptcy
Dallas, Texas · www.coachamerica.com
Panther Expedited Services, Inc. 2012-06-15 180M USD Trade Sale
Medina, Ohio · www.pantherexpedite.com
1-800 Contacts, Inc. 2012-06-04 900M USD Trade Sale
Draper, Utah · www.1800contacts.com
SunTek Holding Co, Inc. 2010-08-09 - Secondary Buyout
Martinsville, Virginia · www.suntekfilms.com
Preferred Freezer Services LLC 2008-06-18 200M USD Secondary Buyout
Chatham, New Jersey · www.preferredfreezer.com
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Current # Value All-time # Value
Transportation - - 7 (35%) -
Consumer Products - - 6 (30%) 983M (63%)
Retail - - 2 (10%) 44M (3%)
E-Commerce - - 1 (5%) 340M (22%)
Business Services - - 1 (5%) 200M (13%)
Automotive - - 1 (5%) -
Consumer Services - - 1 (5%) -
Food - - 1 (5%) -
Total - - 20 $1.6B

Acquisitions By Geo

State/Country Current # Value All-time # Value
United States - - 18 (90%) 1.6B (100%)
  California - - 4 (20%) 383M (24%)
  Texas - - 4 (20%) -
  Georgia - - 2 (10%) 500M (32%)
  New Jersey - - 2 (10%) 200M (13%)
  Utah - - 1 (5%) 340M (22%)
  Illinois - - 1 (5%) 100M (6%)
  New York - - 1 (5%) 44M (3%)
  Virginia - - 1 (5%) -
  Ohio - - 1 (5%) -
  Massachusetts - - 1 (5%) -
Canada - - 2 (10%) -
  Ontario - - 2 (10%) -
Domestic - - 18 (90%) 1.6B (100%)
Cross-border - - 2 (10%) -
Total - - 20 $1.6B

Acquisitions by Deal Type

Type Current # Value All-time # Value
Secondary Buyout - - 9 (45%) 1.2B (75%)
Buyout (LBO, MBO, MBI) - - 8 (40%) 44M (3%)
Going Private - - 1 (5%) 340M (22%)
Divestiture - - 1 (5%) -
Stake Purchase - - 1 (5%) -
Total - - 20 $1.6B

Exits by Deal Type

Type Total # Value
Trade Sale - Public Company 6 (40%) 1.2B (35%)
Secondary Sale 5 (33%) 1.8B (53%)
Trade Sale 2 (13%) 400M (12%)
Bankruptcy 1 (7%) -
Merger 1 (7%) -
Total 15 $3.4B

Top M&A Advisors

Financial Deals
Sonenshine Partners
J.P. Morgan Securities
Legal Deals
Ropes & Gray
Lowenstein Sandler

Deal Values

buy # Total
$100M to $1B 4 $1.4B
< $100M 2 $144M
Largest Simmons Bedding Co.
$500M (1998-07-18)
sell # Total
> $1B 1 $1.1B
$100M to $1B 4 $2.2B
< $100M 2 $134M
Largest Simmons Bedding Co.
$1.1B (2003-11-17)

M&A Connections

Acquired from
8 (40%)
Exited to
5 (33%)
5 (33%)


When was Fenway Partners founded?

Fenway Partners was founded in 1994.

What type of investor is Fenway Partners?

Fenway Partners is a private equity firm.

Where is Fenway Partners headquartered?

Fenway Partners is headquartered in Westerly, Rhode Island.

How much capital does Fenway Partners have under management?

Fenway Partners has 2.1B USD under management.

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