DTG Recycle - M&A Summary, Ownership, and Business Overview


DTG Recycle M&A Summary

DTG Recycle has acquired 7 companies of its own, including 7 in the last 5 years.

DTG Recycle has acquired in 1 US state. The Company’s most targeted sectors include environmental (100%).

DTG Recycle Ownership

Who owns DTG Recycle?

DTG Recycle is owned by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets. It was acquired on December 1, 2022.

Is DTG Recycle PE-backed?

Yes. DTG Recycle is owned by private equity investor Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets.

Was DTG Recycle formerly PE-backed?

Yes. DTG Recycle was formerly owned by 1 private investor.

DTG Recycle Business Overview

Where is DTG Recycle headquartered?

DTG Recycle is headquartered in Mill Creek, Washington.

What sector is DTG Recycle in?

DTG Recycle is an environmental company.

When was DTG Recycle founded?

DTG Recycle was founded in 2007.

M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity7
    • M&A Buy Activity7
  • Total Sectors Invested 1
  • Total Countries Invested 1

DTG Recycle

DTG Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

16504 9th Ave SE, 201,
Mill Creek, Washington 98012
United States,
(425) 549-3000

DTG Recycle is a commercial recycler of construction and demolition, industrial and manufacturing waste in the Pacific Northwest. DTG Recycle strives for a zero-waste future through innovative sorting techniques and the development of products and alternative energy fuels made from recycled materials. DTG Recycle offers convenient, innovative ways to recycle with the best customer service in the industry. DTG Recycle was founded in 2007 and is based in Mill Creek, Washington.

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 T
Buy (1.2/yr) # 1 - 2 4 - - 7
Sell (0.0/yr) # - - - - - - 0

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Olympic Organics 2022-10-13 - Add-on Acquisition
Bremerton, Washington · www.olympicorganics.net
Cascade Recycling, Inc. 2022-07-15 - Add-on Acquisition
Tacoma, Washington · www.cascaderecyclinginc.com
Washington Hauling Co. 2022-05-06 - Add-on Acquisition
, Washington
Bobby Wolford Trucking & Demolition 2022-04-08 - Add-on Acquisition
Woodinville, Washington · www.wolfordtrucking.com
Hungry Buzzard 2021-12-16 - Add-on Acquisition
Bothell, Washington · www.hungrybuzzard.com
Maltby Container and Recycling 2021-12-01 - Add-on Acquisition
Snohomish, Washington
Anderson Rock & Demolition Pits 2019-11-05 - Add-on Acquisition
Yakima, Washington · www.andersonrock.com
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Buy # Value Sell # Value
Environmental 7 (100%) - - -
Total 7 - - -

By Geo

State/Country Buy Value Sell Value
United States 7 - - -
  Washington 7 - - -
Total 7 - - -

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