Information TechnologyCompany
Network Connex M&A Summary
Network Connex has acquired 6 companies of its own, including 3 in the last 5 years. A total of 2 acquisitions came from private equity firms.
Network Connex has acquired in 5 different US states. The Company’s most targeted sectors include business services (40%) and communications (40%).
Network Connex Ownership
Who owns Network Connex?
Network Connex is owned by ORIX Capital Partners. It was acquired on December 3, 2018.
Is Network Connex PE-backed?
Yes. Network Connex is owned by private equity investor ORIX Capital Partners.
Network Connex Business Overview
Where is Network Connex headquartered?
Network Connex is headquartered in Downers Grove, Illinois.
What sector is Network Connex in?
Network Connex is an information technology company.
M&A Summary
M&A Total Activity5
- M&A Buy Activity5
- Total Sectors Invested 3
- Total Countries Invested 1
- M&A Buy/Sell Connections 2