Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases - Ownership and Business Overview

Business ServicesCompany

Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases Ownership

Who owns Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases?

Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases is owned by boohoo group. It was acquired on December 28, 2016.

Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases Business Overview

Where is Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases headquartered?

Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.

What sector is Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases in?

Nasty Gal - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases is a business services company.

Business Services M&A Summary in 2016

Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, business services ranked 4 in number of deals in 2016. The largest business services acquisition in 2016 was Pentair - Valves & Controls Business - which was acquired by Emerson Electric for $3.2B.

Join Mergr to view all 635 acquisitions of business services companies in 2016, including 89 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 546 by strategics.

Nasty Gal, Inc. - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases

Los Angeles, California 90027
United States,

Nasty Gal, Inc. - Intellectual Property Assets and Customer Databases.

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