JJWild - Ownership and Business Overview

Information TechnologyCompany

JJWild Ownership

Who owns JJWild?

JJWild is owned by Perot Systems. It was acquired on August 31, 2007.

JJWild Business Overview

Where is JJWild headquartered?

JJWild is headquartered in Yorktown Heights, New York.

What sector is JJWild in?

JJWild is an information technology company.

When was JJWild founded?

JJWild was founded in 1956.

Information Technology M&A Summary in 2007

Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, information technology ranked 3 in number of deals in 2007. The largest information technology acquisition in 2007 was CheckFree - which was acquired by Fiserv for $4.4B.

Join Mergr to view all 239 acquisitions of information technology companies in 2007, including 52 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 187 by strategics.

JJWild, Inc.

118 Hitching Post Lane,
Yorktown Heights, New York 10598
United States,
(914) 962-9617

JWild develops and delivers integrated IT solutions that empower healthcare organizations using the MEDITECH Healthcare Information System to optimize healthcare delivery.

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