Frittenwerk Ownership
Who owns Frittenwerk?
Frittenwerk is owned by Valora Holding AG. It was acquired on July 1, 2022.
Frittenwerk Business Overview
Where is Frittenwerk headquartered?
Frittenwerk is headquartered in Dusseldorf, Germany.
What sector is Frittenwerk in?
Frittenwerk is a restaurants company.
When was Frittenwerk founded?
Frittenwerk was founded in 2014.
Restaurants M&A Summary in 2022
Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, restaurants ranked 49 in number of deals in 2022. The largest restaurants acquisition in 2022 was Wetzel s Pretzels - which was acquired by MTY Food Group for $207M.
Join Mergr to view all 29 acquisitions of restaurants companies in 2022, including 9 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 20 by strategics.