COR pumps + compressors AG Ownership
Who owns COR pumps + compressors AG?
COR pumps + compressors AG is owned by Robert Bosch. It was acquired on February 26, 2009.
COR pumps + compressors AG Business Overview
Where is COR pumps + compressors AG headquartered?
COR pumps + compressors AG is headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany.
What sector is COR pumps + compressors AG in?
COR pumps + compressors AG is a machinery company.
When was COR pumps + compressors AG founded?
COR pumps + compressors AG was founded in 2002.
Machinery M&A Summary in 2009
Out of 60 sectors in the Mergr database, machinery ranked 18 in number of deals in 2009. The largest machinery acquisition in 2009 was Nippon Muki - which was acquired by Daikin Industries for $41M.
Join Mergr to view all 72 acquisitions of machinery companies in 2009, including 11 acquisitions by private equity firms, and 61 by strategics.