Balfour Beatty M&A Summary
Balfour Beatty has acquired 5 companies. It has also divested 3 assets.
Balfour Beatty’s largest acquisition to date was in 2008, when it acquired Schreck-Mieves for $41M. It’s largest disclosed sale occurred in 2017, when it sold Heery Design to CBRE Group for $57M. Balfour Beatty has acquired in 1 US state, and 4 countries. The Company’s most targeted sectors include construction (60%) and infrastructure (40%).
Balfour Beatty Business Overview
Where is Balfour Beatty headquartered?
Balfour Beatty is headquartered in London, United Kingdom.
What is Balfour Beatty’s revenue?
Balfour Beatty disclosed revenue of 7,629M GBP for 2022 and 7,185M GBP for 2021.
How many employees does Balfour Beatty have?
Balfour Beatty has 26,140 employees.
What sector is Balfour Beatty in?
Balfour Beatty is an infrastructure company.
When was Balfour Beatty founded?
Balfour Beatty was founded in 1909.
M&A Summary
M&A Total Activity8
- M&A Buy Activity5
- M&A Sell Activity3
- Total Sectors Invested 2
- Total Countries Invested 4
- M&A Buy/Sell Connections 5