Afya - M&A Summary and Business Overview


Afya M&A Summary

Afya has acquired 9 companies, including 9 in the last 5 years.

Afya’s largest acquisition to date was in 2023, when it acquired Sociedade Educacional e Cultural Sergipe DelRey for $228M. The Company’s most targeted sectors include internet software and services (45%) and education (23%).

Afya Business Overview

Where is Afya headquartered?

Afya is headquartered in Nova Lima, Brazil.

What is Afya’s revenue?

Afya disclosed revenue of 1,201M USD for 2020 and 751M USD for 2019.

How many employees does Afya have?

Afya has 5,260 employees.

What sector is Afya in?

Afya is an education company.

When was Afya founded?

Afya was founded in 1999.

M&A Summary

  • M&A Total Activity9
    • M&A Buy Activity9
  • Total Sectors Invested 4
  • Total Countries Invested 1


Afya Ltd.

Alameda Oscar Niemeyer, No. 119 Room 502, 504, 1,501 and 1,503 Vila da Serra,
Nova Lima, 34000-000
55 31 3515 7550

Afya is an operator of medical education group in Brazil based on the number of medical school seats, delivering an end-to-end physician-centric ecosystem that serves and empowers students and physicians to transform their ambitions into rewarding lifelong experiences from the moment of joining as medical students through medical residency preparation, graduation program, continuing medical education activities and their daily practices with digital products. Afya was founded in 1999 and is based in Nova Lima, Brazil.

M&A Summary

Buy vs Sell

Year ≤ '19 '20 '21 '22 '23 '24 T
Buy (1.8/yr) # - - 5 3 1 - 9
vol $202M $20M $228M $450M
Sell (0.0/yr) # - - - - - - 0

Most Recent M&A

Company Date Value Type
Sociedade Educacional e Cultural Sergipe DelRey Ltda. 2023-01-02 228M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Aracaju, Brazil
Quasar Telemedicina 2022-05-23 6M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Sao Paulo, Brazil ·
CardioPapers 2022-04-05 10M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Recife, Brazil ·
Alem da Medicina 2022-03-04 4M BRL Add-on Acquisition
, Brazil ·
Universidad Grande Río 2021-05-27 193M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Duque de Caxias, Brazil ·
Shosp 2021-05-13 - Add-on Acquisition
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ·
CliqueFarma Drogarias Online Ltda. 2021-04-16 5M BRL Add-on Acquisition
São Paulo, Brazil ·
Medical Harbour 2021-04-08 1M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Florianópolis, Brazil ·
Medicinae Participacoes SA 2021-03-25 2M BRL Add-on Acquisition
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ·
View All >>

M&A by Sector

Sector Buy # Value Sell # Value
Internet Software and Services 4 (44%) 25M (6%) - -
Education 2 (22%) 421M (94%) - -
Software 2 (22%) 1M (< 1%) - -
Information Technology 1 (11%) 2M (< 1%) - -
Total 9 $450M - -

By Geo

State/Country Buy Value Sell Value
Brazil 9 450M - -
Total 9 $450M - -

Deal Values

buy # Total
$100M to $1B 2 $421M
< $100M 6 $28M
Largest Sociedade Educacional e Cultural Sergipe DelRey Ltda.
$228M (2023-01-02)

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Education Companies , Brazil Companies