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Matthias Schatz advises listed and non-listed corporations, shareholders as well as members of management boards and supervisory boards on matters of corporate law, in particular stock corporation law and the law concerning groups of companies (including aspects of capital markets law) as well as reorganization law. A more recent practical focus of his is on advising venture-capital-funded companies in the context of their transition into an AG (German stock corporation) or an SE (European stock corporation), legal forms which enable access to the capital market. An additional focus of his work is on corporate litigation. Matthias has particular expertise in the field of disputes involving stock corporation law (such as legal actions regarding personal liability of members of management boards and supervisory boards; lawsuits regarding deficiencies in shareholders' resolutions; court proceedings to determine the adequacy of an offer for indemnifying minority shareholders; and disputes in connection with the appointment of special auditors or special representatives) as well as in providing support in connection with contentious general meetings. In addition, Matthias regularly acts as counsel and referee in post-M&A arbitration matters and arbitration proceedings with a corporate law focus.