Joined: 2010
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William Maher advises clients on issues involving federal, state and international telecommunications regulation. He has broad experience with wireline and wireless communications technologies including internet-based broadband, voice, and content delivery services. Mr. Maher represents communications stakeholders, such as internet companies, wireless and wireline providers, and equipment suppliers, before the FCC, federal agencies, and the courts. He also counsels clients on the telecommunications regulatory implications of transactional matters including mergers, acquisitions, stock spin-offs and new business ventures. From 2002 to 2004, Mr. Maher served as Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). There, Mr. Maher supervised the development of U.S. policies regarding Internet services and oversaw FCC proceedings seeking to reform the U.S. intercarrier compensation system and universal service policies. He earlier served in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) as an Associate Administrator and developed policy recommendations on radio spectrum management, U.S. information infrastructure, and media globalization. Before his legal career, Mr. Maher was a communications engineer at Bell Labs.
Harvard Law School , Massachusetts,
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University of Notre Dame , Indiana,
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) , Massachusetts,
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Morrison & Foerster