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Advocate Lotem Azulay is a partner and head of the Planning and Construction Department at Weksler Bregman & Co. Adv. Azulay started with the firm in 2012 as a pre-intern in the planning and construction department and joined the firm as a lawyer in 2014. Lotem has unique expertise in representing and supporting clients (promoters and objectors) in statutory proceedings to approve outline plans at all levels – ranging from plans under the jurisdiction of local authorities, up to the level of national outline plans. Lotem’s experience includes providing representation in objecting to plans, appeal proceedingss, licensing and facilitation/easements, urban renewal projects and managing claims for loss of value (under section 197 of the Planning and Construction Law), as well in land expropriation proceedings. In addition, Lotem has acquired experienced in supporting and representing clients on issues relating to achieving reductions on the betterment levy in various projects (in the framework of a land valuation, an appeal committee or a tribunal). Together with her expertise in planning and construction, Lotem also has extensive know-how on all aspects of real estate, including with respect to residential projects, transactions involving the purchase and sale of land and assets, and in the field of urban renewal. Adv. Azulay’s clients include some of Israel’s leading real estate companies, private promoters, commercial banks , a gas and chemicals company, etc.