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Partner in the International Mobility Department, Cecile Cottin-Dusart is familiar with all aspects of international worker transfers : labour law, social protection, taxation and remuneration. Cécile provides companies with concrete and adapted solutions for the management of their mobile employees : choice and analysis of the contractual scheme, calculation and implementation of remuneration packages, international social protection, international taxation, payroll coordination. Thanks to her experience, Cécile also assists companies in the implementation of their mobility policies. Cécile has also developed an expertise in litigation relating to the social protection of expatriates, in particular with regard to retirement in the event of an international career. Expert in the subject with recognized good teaching skills, Cécile regularly leads webinars and thematic seminars on international mobility, she also provides in-company training and teaches in several Masters 2 at the University of Social Sciences of Toulouse-I-Capitole.