Equity Partner
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Andrea De Panfilis, equity partner of the Firm, deals with M&A and private equity transactions and assistance in the corporate and contractual field. He has gained significant professional experience in projects for the generational transmission of assets and in consulting for innovative and technological companies. He also deals with commercial and corporate litigation. Before joining the Firm, he worked for several years, both in Italy and abroad, for leading international law firms. He is the author of numerous papers on corporate and commercial law, which include articles in specialized journals and some monographs, intervening in the areas in which he works professionally. In recent years, he was co-author of the monograph "The contribution of going concern into a company", published by the Il Sole 24 Ore publishing group in January 2017, as well as of the monograph "The supervisory body in the Italian 231 system", published by Pacini Giuridica in January 2021. He was among the creators of the first Italian "Deal Point Study", under the aegis of the Private Equity Lab of SDA Bocconi - School of Management, which during the two-year period 2019-2020 carried out a survey of the Italian common practice in M&A, conducting a scientific study on a large sample of SPA (share purchase agreements), SHA (shareholders' agreements) and corporate bylaws of Italian target companies of M&A and private equity transactions. He regularly collaborates, as scientific coordinator and teacher, in numerous advanced masters of the 24Ore Business School. He is a member of the Tax & Legal Commission of AIFI (Italian Association of Private Equity, Venture Capital and Private Debt). He graduated in Law, with full marks and honours, at the University of Padua in 2005 and subsequently attended, at the same University, a research doctorate in corporate law. He has been registered with the Padua Bar Association since 2010, after having passed the Bar exam with the highest grade, both in the written and oral tests, in his district of the Court of Appeal (gown of honor 2010). He is fluent in Italian and English and has a good knowledge of French.