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Cesar Luna Victoria is partner in the firm’s Corporate and Tax areas. He is a Juris Doctor by the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru and holds al LLM from the same University. He has a long history providing tax advice and consultancy to various national and international companies, as well as extensive experience in financial and corporate transactions. During the 1980s, he advised companies on efforts to reduce the effects of rampant hyperinflation and terrorism which had stifled all business activity. In the nineties, when the economy was set in order, he accompanied several Peruvian companies in expanding towards other markets, first in Latin America and then in the world. Several crises appeared in the following decades, which strengthened Cesar’s experience, making him a specialist on advising companies who found themselves in turbulent scenarios. He has witnessed how the law has been changing all this time and that experience has earned him a second specialty, that of being a corporate architect, who imagines, creates, and adapts solutions to build the legal business plans clients require. For 40 years, Cesar has been a professor at the Law School of the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru (PUCP). He is an associate of the Peruvian Institute of Tax Law (IPDT) and the International Fiscal Association (IFA), has been a member of several of its boards, president of the IFA (Peruvian Group) and speaker of the Peruvian tax position in several Latin American congresses. and global. He is a contributor to specialized magazines in Law, Economics and Business and actively participates as an opinion leader in various important local media. He was Minister of State of what is now the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Production. He was responsible for establishing the bases to celebrate the Free Trade Agreements and negotiated the commercial agreements with Ecuador, as part of the peace agreements at the end of the territorial conflicts. He was president of the Andean Community Commission (CAN) that regulated trade agreements between the Andean countries, director of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) and director of the Commission for the Promotion of Private Investment (COPRI), in charge of privatizing state business assets. All this experience has been recognized by several companies and entrepreneurs who currently have Cesar as director and head advisor.