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Partner of Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu Law Office. Graduated from Waseda University School of Law in 1993. He registered as a lawyer in 2006 (Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association, 48th term). After completing his legal apprenticeship, he was appointed as an Assistant Judge of the Tokyo District Court in 1996 and retired in 2006 from the Civil Affairs Bureau of the General Secretariat of the Supreme Court. During that time, he studied abroad at the Southern Methodist University School of Law from 1999 to 2000 as an Assistant Judge's Overseas Research Fellow. He is a former secretary of the Legislative Council of the Ministry of Justice. He is a member of the Japan Engineering Association (ENAA) Contract Legal Committee. His main practice areas are product safety/product liability, energy, construction/infrastructure, and cross-border dispute resolution, including international arbitration. In recent years, he has extensive experience in fraud investigations and crisis management, including serving as a member of the Special Investigation Committee for large-scale quality fraud investigations.