and access,
When it comes to insurance and risk management, industry knowledge is as important as technical ability. Brad Russell is known for bringing both to clients in a diverse range of industries including marine, aviation, resources, technology, construction and infrastructure. Brad heads the Insurance & Corporate Risk Group and is also Chair of Allegiant IRS. He focuses on risk management, insurance, corporate governance and due diligence, contractual risk management methodologies, insurance indemnity and the development and delivery of tailored insurance programs and policy advice. Brad has advised all parts of the resources sector, including global and local mining companies, mining equipment suppliers, mining services companies and coal loading facility companies. He has drafted specialised insurances specifically for the resources sector such as Mining ISR, Statutory Liability Plus and Environmental Rehabilitation Insurance Sureties. His innovative insurance advice has also assisted the likes of road authorities and airport owners with the establishment of their dedicated contract works and liability insurance programs (Principal Arranged Insurance) which relates to all road construction in their states and property and infrastructure development at their airports. Reviewing both government and corporate insurance programs, Brad ensures their adequacy and appropriateness and where not, redesigns those programs. In this regard, his insurance expertise is sought by companies participating in the mining, infrastructure, construction and energy sectors. Brad also advises on risk management issues associated with corporate governance compliance. This has assisted companies to manage not only operating and contractual risks but also statutory and regulatory compliance. Before Brad was an insurance lawyer he was a maritime lawyer. With expertise in the transport sector, known both nationally and internationally, Brad continues to act for shipowners, charters, cargo owners, marine insurers and regulatory authorities. Brad is recognised as having developed some very innovative risk and insurance methods including the likes of contracting pillars, insurance broker tender modelling and statutory liability insurance.