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Daniel Miske is one of only two Wisconsin attorneys admitted to the national College of Community Association Lawyers, which recognizes excellence in the practice. He represents condominium and homeowners associations (HOAs) throughout the state. He helps boards of directors and managers of condominium associations, homeowner associations, cooperatives and timeshares with the many issues they face, including document amendments, collections, contracts, rules and governance. Dan’s interest in condominium law stems from being a condo owner as well as the president of his condominium association. Because he has served on various boards as treasurer and president, he relates well to clients and can identify with the complexities of legal challenges that boards and managers confront. His vast experience allows him to present options and see issues that others would likely miss, in part because of his service on the Wisconsin CAI Legal Action Committee, which reviews the current laws and comments on any proposed amendments. Dan already knows association law inside and out, so clients never have to wait for him to learn or get up to speed.