and access,
Jeremy Newman draws on his depth of experience working with and alongside stock exchanges and regulators in assisting clients reach positive outcomes in constantly evolving landscapes. He has a particular drive for understanding his clients’ businesses and how best to deliver commercial outcomes for them, as well as a passion for dealing with new and emerging industries. His outgoing manner is at the heart of his work and interactions with clients and his wider team. Jeremy has extensive experience advising clients on a broad range of corporate, commercial and compliance matters, with a focus on listed entities and entities working towards a listing. He also provides practical and commercial advice in relation to the initial public offers, secondary raisings, ASX Listing Rules, JORC compliance, medtech and biotech reporting, spin-outs and backdoor listings. In addition to his legal background, Jeremy has also worked in the Listings Compliance team at the ASX. His involvement in the development of ASX policy has given him valuable insights into both ASX and ASIC’s policy concerns. Prior to joining Hamilton Locke, Jeremy worked for HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, Bellanhouse Lawyers and the ASX.