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Jaime Diaz De Bustamante Berasategui is a Real Estate partner at Gómez-Acebo & Pombo. Within real estate and urban planning law, he has advised on all types of transactions related to the sector, including acquisition and divestment of real estate assets and companies owning them (shopping centres, offices, tertiary and commercial, logistics and industrial, residential, land under development and plots), assignment of loan/credit portfolios with underlying real estate collateral and real estate contracting (construction, leases, surface rights, Sale & Leaseback, etc.). His specialities include financing for the acquisition or construction of real estate assets in hotels, logistics, offices and shopping centres. He holds a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s degree in Corporate Legal Consultancy from IE Business School. Jaime is recognised in the most relevant legal directories such as Chambers & Partners and Legal500 as one of the leading professionals in the real estate sector. He has participated as an author in several specialised legal publications.