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Amit Pines is the head of FBC’s Insolvency practice and Sports Law practice. Mr. Pines has an extensive and diverse experience in complex and comprehensive insolvency cases, and has broad experience in all matters relating to insolvency procedures. Mr. Pines acts from time to time as liquidator, receiver or trustee of companies or other entities and, especially on behalf of commercial banks. Mr. Pines has handled, in various positions, some of the most complex and major insolvency cases (including liquidation and restructuring) in Israel. Mr. Pines has vast experience in non-profit organizations` laws, after serving as liquidator and/or special administrator to substantial amount of non-profit organizations, including political parties and sport enterprises. Mr. Pines represents major clients in complex and comprehensive commercial disputes, and deals with diverse legal matters, including representation in civil and commercial cases in court, arbitrations and serves as an arbitrator.