and access,
Yiqiang Li is one of the very few dually qualified Chinese lawyers who returned to China in the mid-1990s to help international firms build up their China practices, dealing with cross-border investment, IP licensing and compliance-related matters. Lee is also one of the few international lawyers who have started helping Chinese companies handle their global legal matters as early as 2003. In 2004, Lee successfully assisted a Chinese public company in defending trade secret misappropriation claims in the United States—the first case in which a PRC company has won a major IP infringement case outside of China. Since then, Lee has constantly represented major Chinese companies in M&A, litigation and other legal matters in the U.S., United Kingdom and other countries. In particular, Lee has a long history of supporting complex FCPA investigations for both public and private U.S. multinational companies in the industrial manufacturing, life sciences, automotive, financial services and telecommunications industries, assisting the U.S. FCPA and white collar teams and leading our Shanghai-based bilingual Chinese lawyers on FCPA investigations.