and access,
John Talvacchia is a senior corporate lawyer who focuses his practice on corporate and transactional services for domestic and international business and governmental entities. He is a skilled practitioner who acts as general counsel or supports in-house general counsel for middle market companies in several industry verticals, allowing clients to achieve timely, cost-effective business objectives in compliance with industry and commercial regulation. In this capacity, he provides issue identification in the context of business strategy discussions, suggests options for solution, creates compliance plans, and staffs the plans with legal specialists as necessary. John also represents individuals and businesses in the organization, acquisition, sale, and financing of various commercial enterprises, including equity and debt offerings. He advises clients on merger and acquisition transactions and finance issues specific to growth companies. In addition, John represents domestic entities expanding operations to other countries and addresses organizational, tariff, tax and human resource management issues. His clients include manufacturers, retailers and service providers in such industries as technology (including life science, medical devices, software development, internet applications and hardware manufacturing and sales), concert hall instruments, bulk and specialty chemicals, commercial printing, land use, banking, broadcasting, power generation, transmission and distribution. John previously served as counsel to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities and as the general counsel of a diversified publicly traded company.