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A highly experienced international tax lawyer that can express complex tax issues in a manner easily understood by clients and can balance the natural conflict between a client’s need for efficiency in both tax and business operations. Scott M. Gerhardt is a member of our Corporate & General Business and Taxation groups. After 20 years of practice (having served as an in-house Tax Counsel and Director level Tax Attorney for U.S. conglomerates), he has gained extensive experience in corporate tax structuring, mergers and acquisitions, and international tax planning involving conglomerates headquartered anywhere in the world. Mr. Gerhardt has performed tax services for companies representing a wide range of sectors in our economy such as renewable energy, construction, pharmaceuticals, industrial manufacturing/services, specialty chemicals, and oil & gas. As an in-house Tax Lawyer, he has dealt with issues commonly encountered by taxpayers all over the word and can easily spot and resolve Tax issues encountered by our clients. EDUCATION: Washington University School of Law, J.D.; University of Missouri-Columbia, B.S. in Accountancy;