David Kwasniewski

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(415) 599-0210

Direct Phone:

(415) 963-4460

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David Kwasniewski is a partner at BraunHagey & Borden. David has extensive experience on both plaintiff and defense sides of complex commercial and intellectual property disputes. He has served as lead counsel in federal and state court trials, and has obtained multiple federal and state appellate victories. David has successfully defended a number of food, beverage, and supplement manufacturers in Proposition 65, false advertising, and CLRA disputes, including obtaining dismissals of a Proposition 65 challenge to TerraSoul Superfoods’ raw cacao powder and a false advertising claim against RiteAid’s house-brand body wash and hand lotion. Additionally, David conducted expert discovery and served as trial counsel to Broadcom in an ITC Investigation brought against some of the largest television manufacturers in the world, which resulted in a favorable settlement. David obtained a precedential opinion from the Federal Circuit reversing the dismissal of his client’s trade secret claim, brought against Goodyear for their theft of self-inflating tire technology. David is also committed to serving clients in need on a pro bono basis. David has obtained multiple favorable Ninth Circuit rulings for former inmates whose civil rights were violated, including a precedential opinion confirming that prison officials are not due any deference when they violate rights without any security-based justification.
