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Jacob Hjortshoj is highly specialised in mergers and acquisitions and company law and is one of Denmark's leading M&A lawyers. Jacob's expertise is reflected in the impressively long list of private equity funds and Danish and international enterprises he has advised in connection with M&A transactions over the years. In recent years Jacob has assisted as team leader in the transfer of enterprises such as Maileg, Kimbrer Computer, Apoteka, Cembrit Group, Frontmatec,, Jakobsens, Dansk Træemballage, Veloxis Pharmaceuticals, KK Group, Eiva, Good Food Group, Emballagegruppen, Fitness DK, Skiold Group, SFK LeBlanc, Lakrids by Johan Bülow, Ferrosan Medical Devices, Hoyer Motors, FC Nordsjælland, Blue-garden, Cembrit, Norican Group, Sonion, Euro Cater, Dagrofa, MissionPharma, Bladt Industries, NKT Flexibles, inco Danmark, Dyrup, Glud & Marstrand, Aalborg Industries, Superfos, KMD, Kommunekemi, Rosti, Codan Gummi, Stryhn’s, BabySam, Logstor, Disa, Unifeeder, Tholstrup Cheese og Roulunds. In every transaction, Jacob commits himself deeply in the client relationship and is strongly dedicated to the process towards the goal. He is a keen negotiator with a markedly solution-oriented and efficient approach, driven by the commercial element in M&A cases. Jacob highly values his professional skills and stays updated for instance through his chairmanship of the company law study programme committee of the Association of Danish Law Firms, as secretary for Dansk Forening for Selskabsret and as a member of the Danish Company Appeals Board. Previously, Jacob was an external lecturer at the University of Copenhagen teaching company law, and he is a regular lecturer with the Danish Bar and Law Society. Jacob's high qualifications in the M&A area are further illustrated by his top-category ranking in the M&A area by all major rating agencies.