Head Of Professional Services & Managing Director
Head Of Professional Services & Managing Director
(703) 637-3700
(703) 448-4429
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Cameron Hamilton is a Managing Director and the Head of the Professional Services Investment Banking group. He brings nearly 25 years of M&A expertise with an emphasis on serving professional services firms primarily within the Aerospace, Defense, and Government Services (ADG) sector. In his career, Cameron has been involved in more than 100 successful sell- and buy-side M&A, ESOP advisory, and capital formation transactions in the ADG sector. Prior to joining Stout, Cameron was a Managing Director and led the Defense and Government Services group at FON Investment Banking, a boutique advisory firm serving the ADG industry. He previously spent nineteen years with The McLean Group working on M&A transactions focused on ADG. Before joining The McLean Group, he supported multiple capital raises and acquisitions for ClearCross, Inc., a leading international trade compliance software vendor. Some of Cameron’s notable recent deals include the sale of ASEC to Markon, CSSI to Proteus Capital, Artemis Consulting to Aretum, WBD to CNI, GRA to CoreOne; ACES, Inc. in its sale to Everwatch; SPARC in its sale to Booz Allen Hamilton; NetConn in its sale to General Dynamics; and eXMeritus in its acquisition by Boeing. In addition, he has supported multiple ESOP transactions for Government Contractors, including INDUS Technology and Highlight Technologies.