Managing Director
Joined: 1988
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Vince Van Nevel is Managing Director of ProBank Austin’s consulting practice. Mr. Van Nevel joined ProBank Austin in 1988. He specializes in safety and soundness issues such as corporate governance, risk management, Asset/liability management, loan review, and credit administration, as well as troubled bank assistance, strategic planning, and litigation support. Mr. Van Nevel has been a key member of litigation support teams on engagements involving failed banks and thrifts, including the failure of the largest thrift in Texas. Prior to joining ProBank Austin, Mr. Van Nevel was an operations officer in a community bank, and spent ten years with the Comptroller of the Currency as a field examiner and later as a team leader in the problem bank division of the OCC’s Central District Office. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and holds a Masters of Management Degree in Finance and Marketing from J. K. Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. Mr. Van Nevel has served as a member of the faculty of the FDIC’s Bank Operations and Compliance School, and speaks on corporate governance and lending related programs sponsored by ProBank Austin, and various national and state banking associations.